Any enchantment that imbues the player or players with a beneficial boost, whether it applies to an attribute, skill, tc. Think of it as temporarily turbo charging your character beyond his or her normal abilities.
Gaming terms. Refer to preparatory actions taken prior to combat, usually involving the casting of spells.
The act of preparing for combat, e.g. 'I buffed up before entering that zone'.
A spell that increases a players statistics. Whether it be damage, physical statistics, armor, or spells. A buff is a spell cast by a healing or mage class normally. They last for a certain period of time, then wear off.
RPG term. A skill (enchantment) that strengthens other skills or attributes.
a beneficial and persistent spell effect
a beneficial, long-lasting spell or potion your character has gotten/drank
a nanoformula which enhances your skill
a spell that improves your stats or defenses in someway
Temporary boost to character attribute or combat ability
To enchance the performance of yourself or an ally by temporarily increasing an attribute or giving a special bonus.
Spell that enhances a player's abilities.
To temporarily improve a character's stats. - For the administration to change something in such a way that it is stronger or more effective.
a temporarily bonus that your character can obtain, most are spells which can increase some ability or skill
Helpful spells cast on party members to temporarily increase stats
A spell or effect which increases your offensive or defensive abilities.
A Buff is a beneficial spell cast on a unit. An example of a "buff" is the Priest's Inner Fire or Shaman's Bloodlust.
A rich golden orange color with a creamy cast.
Refers to preparatory actions taken to combat, usually involving the casting of beneficial spells.
A beneficial spell cast on a monster or player. An example of a "buff" is the Priest's Inner Fire or Shaman's Bloodlust.
A skill that increases the abilities of a character.
A spell cast on a player or creature that is used to enhance their abilities. For example, a strength buff increases strength or an armor buff increases a person's armor factor. If a "pet keeps buffing himself," it means a player's pet continues to cast this enhancement spell over and over again on itself.
A beneficial spell that improves the recipients attributres or gives other benefits. I.e., "please buff me before this fight" or "that's a great buff!"
To cast augmentive spells on other players. IE: "Our wizard buffed the tanks"
Buff is a term generically used in many MMORPGs to describe an effect (usually cast as a spell) which beneficially enhances the target Player.