Magickal workings that are the "meat" of a ritual. Spells should be based on a need, focused & concise. Energy can be raised by speaking the spell, chanting, focusing mental energy, or even dancing.
a magic that has a direct and immediate effect.
To look through a text file for words not int he UNIX dictionary
A magical ritual which brings about a specific effect. Spells can be used for damage, for protection, information, or just about any thing you can think of. This game is just that a game, and spells that are 'cast' in the game are fictional as well. There is no real magic located in this game. Our monsters are guys in masks, and our spells are colored bean bags filled with bird seed and held shut with a rubber band.
A magical ability of a character that requires mana. Eternal Struggle has several dozen different spells, that have affects ranging from simple utility spells to high power damage spells. See also: Skills.
The collection of energy which is directed by word in prayer form to achieve a goal. This may include elaborate, ceremonial or simple ritual.
Written or spoken words, sometimes combined with elaborate ceremonies or rituals, believed to have "magical" powers.
A ritual performed to perform magic (magick).
A magickal ritual usually involving spoken words.
Enchantment: a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.
Magical operation, usually for practical purpose
a verbal formula believed to have magical force; "he whispered a spell as he moved his hands"; "inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese"
write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word); "He spelled the word wrong in this letter"
a card that costs mana to play
a focus of energy, manipulated and cast for a specific intent or purpose
a formula, or series of steps, to direct the will to a desired end
an interactive process involving communication between you and various spiritual and/or magical forces in the universe
a one-time magical effect
a prayer sent out to bring about a necessary change
a predetermined, magic formula that has been researched and written down by the old masters of the magic arts
a ritual, an act carefully planned to have the greatest effect
a ritual formula, or series of steps, to direct psychic energy to accomplish a desired end
a ritual intended to bring about a particular result
a ritual where the caster can focus their will and intentions, to create a change in their lives
a ritual which is peformed to change attributes of people, places, and things
a set of actions and prayers that are performed by a Wicca with the aim of asking for divine help with some aspect of their lives
a set of actions and prayers that you do and say in order to ask for divine help with some particular aspect of your life
a spoken or written formula
a thought, a projection, a prayer, or an enchantment
a thought, a projection, or a prayer
a written or spoken word, or formula
A magical command or incantation during which period of time a person or object is held captive by a psychic for the benefit of the psychic.
Magical ritual using a spoken chant.
a formula, potion, incantation, or process in which there is an end result in which the individual casting the spell desires.
A magical working directed toward the achievement of some goal such as healing, banishing, changing a condition, etc. Sometimes refers to the verbal part of the ritual.
A magickal ritual designed for the specific purpose of banishing, gaining, exorcising, or changing one particular thing or condition.
Since most RPGs have traditionally used "spells" to describe nonphysical attacks and capabilities, many AO players refer to nano formulas as spells and to nanobots as mana.
A magical Ritual, usually non-religious in nature and often accompanied by spoken words.
Spoken word or pattern of words with magical power using evil spirits.
A spell is merely a focused prayer, recited in triplicate during a ritual commonly called a casting, or a spiritual ceremony.
put the letters in a word in right order.
a ritual designed to bring about a certain effect.
a prayer, or verbal direction of magickal energies toward the accomplishment of some goal. Wiccans and other Pagans often use spells, but are not permitted to use them to dominate, manipulate, control or harm another person. For example, a Wiccan is not permitted to cast a love spell to motivate another person to feel attraction towards them. Click below to visit one of our sponsors