To write or utter proverbs.
a short, traditional saying that expresses some obvious truth or familiar experience; a piece of practical wisdom expressed in homely, concrete terms; a short pithy saying in general use, usually of unknown and ancient origin, containing words of advice, warning, or wisdom.
a pithy saying; a statement of common wisdom
a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
a brief saying that presents some useful information
a common expression whose origin is not known or has been forgotten
a commonly-known, often-quoted, concise saying which expresses a generalization concerning some aspect of everyday existence
a commonly used or known phrase, expressing knowledge, a conclusion or an attitude about aspects of life that are unviersally familiar to mankind
a common, repeated and generally known phrase which expresses a general idea taken to be true
a common saying that makes eminent common sayings
a condensed form of age-old folk sayings and biblical teachings
a condensed version of basic opinions, prejudices and beliefs common to a group of people
a fixed-phrase, metaphorical statement
a fixed phrase piece of folklore consisting of a comparison or analogy, applying one set of circumstances to a different but similar situation
a formulaic expression of a certain truth which is applicable only in a special situation
a generalization distilled from long human experience and put into a pithy epigram
a linguistic attempt to express a general truth or wisdom in a few words
a literary device whereby a general truth is brought to bear on a specific situation
a metaphorical statement that illustrates a lesson of behavior
an expression in colloquial or biblical terms which illustrtes a moralistic point
an often repeated and metaphorical expression
a phrase or sentence, accepted and integrated into
a pictorial phrase in which a message is given, many times a picture of an oft done action
a pithy sentence, concisely expressing some well-established truth susceptible of various illustrations and applications
a pithy statement expressing some truth in a striking and memorable way
a pithy statement expressing some truth in a striking way which is easy to remember
a pithy statement or comment usually involving advice or a moral
a popular saying, as a witticism is a humorous saying its right
a popular saying, expressing a truth or common fact
a saying that indicates the essence of experience of at least a sizable population of the speech community and which has gained currency in the speech of the language community - generally acceptable to all
a saying, usually short, that expresses a general truth about life
a saying with which people often identify because it is universal and meaningful in some way or other
a sentence or phrase which expresses the generally accepted thought or belief of a group and which has, through use, become of a group and which has, through use, become standardized in form
a sentence that has been developed orally and is still used by the people of a region
a short and general statement which is handed down by tradition and which changes its meaning according to the speaker and the situation
a short and poetic statement used by the folk to express rules or wisdom concerning life
a short and terse expression of life experience that was remembered and put to use from one generation to another
a short, concise, colloquial saying, easily memorized, and containing traditional beliefs taken to be true
a short, concise phrase which states a moral principle, bit of folk wisdom or similar rule by which one should live
a short condesation of a piece of folk wisdom, formed in such a way that it will be memorable
a short expression known by many people
a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and which is handed down from generation to generation
a short pithy saying, expressing a folksy truth that is widely accepted
a short, pithy saying with practical implications
a short, pithy statement that makes a point, but does not summarize or capture all truth
a short popular saying expressing an obvious truth (Webster's New World Dictionary)
a short, popular saying that expresses a well-known truth or fact
a short popular saying that expresses some obvious Truth
a short saying based on long experience
a short saying in common use that expresses some form of truth or familiar experience
a short saying that concisely expresses a general truth or fundamental principle
a short saying that tells a commonly-known truth
a short saying which teaches a point or establishes a cultural norm based on the tradition of the people who use it
a short sentence based on a long experience
a short sentence based on long experience drink moderately for drunkeness neither Media such as video files audio files and application files
a short sentence based on long experience drink moderately for drunkeness neither Peace or truce without their knowledge or
a short sentence drawn from long experience
a short sentence or saying which expresses a rather simple didactic concept, and which usually implies a right as opposed to a wrong action
a short, sententious saying, in the nature of a maxim, connoting a definite truth or suggestion by comparison
a short statement of wisdom or advice that has passed into general use
a short, traditional statement which teaches or gives advice on a subject
a short verse or prose sentence that expresses vividly and often allegorically a wise opinion, an ascertainment, an advice, and which is repeated in everyday conversation as an argument or example
a "short, well-known saying that expresses an obvious truth and often offers advice
a small saying that describes wisdom in a way that either teaches or makes fun of it
a statement of general truth which has application for the varying circum-stances of life
a terse didactic statement that is current in tradition or, as an epigram says, ''the wisdom of many and the wit of one''
a traditional, fixed-phrase saying,usually one sentence that expresses an opinion, often considered wisdom, on a subject or recommends a course of action
a traditional saying or sentence which summarizes an attitude towards something or describes a certain sitation
a traditional wisdom, advice or statement in a fixed phrase
a well known saying which belongs to folk poetry and which is used by everyone
a well known saying which, when spoken or read, rings with truth, depth and a call to personal application
a well known saying without a known author, passed on from generation to generation, which gives advice, admonitions or a moral lesson - usually a few words to not more than one sentence in length and stated in a manner that is easily remembered i
a well-known, venerable saying rooted in philosophical or religious wisdom
a brief traditional oral expression that generally remains in fixed form ("A rolling stone gathers no moss," "Don't cry over spilt milk.") and is used by the teller to name a situation, teach a lesson, or illustrate a point.
figure of speech that often gives advice or states some folk wisdom, such as "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
1. A short popular saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, that expresses effectively some commonplace truth or useful thought; adage; saw. 2. A wise saying or precept; a didactic sentence. 3. A person or thing that is commonly regarded as an embodiment or representation of some quality; byword. 4. In a biblical sense, a profound saying, maxim, or oracular utterance requiring interpretation.
As the proverb goes, "It is no use crying over spilt milk."
a short sentence or phrase that expresses a general truth about life (e.g. a stitch in time saves nine = 'to do something now will save much more effort in the future')
A short, pithy saying in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic truth or practical precept; the book of Proverbs is one of the Writings and is classified as wisdom literature. See Chapter 15.