Definitions for "Chan"
(suffix) a courtesy title, used after one's name or surname, to address children, people younger than you (especially girls), or loved ones.
Used for young children, pets, boyfriends or girlfriends. Diminuative
A suffix meaning cute or darling one, a term of affection usually reserved for for romantic partners, young female friends, small animals or children. A good example of this word would be P-Chan (Ryoga) from the Ranma 1/2 series.
The Chinese name for a form of Buddhism in which insights are gained through meditation. It developed into Zen Buddhism when introduced by Chinese monks to Japan in the seventh century A.D. (See Zen)
School of Budhism with heavy Chinese influences; better known in the West by its Japanese name of Zen.
also called Zen; see Contemplation and Meditation.
Keywords:  pester
Keywords:  cumatz, chort, nahual, quich, totem
"Serpent." The name the Chortí Maya apply to themselves: "people of the serpent," whose chief is called Hor chan (head of the serpent). The generic name of the Maya as a whole, whose cultural totem is the serpent, as a divine nahual. The equivalent of the Quiché word cumatz.
Keywords:  naturale, batido, frog, tea, taste
batido made from seeds that look like frog eggs and taste little like really sweet iced tea—Naturale made from seeds that look like frog eggs and taste little like really sweet iced tea
Keywords:  nchan, see
see Nchan
Keywords:  chickpeas, gram, dried, type
A type of gram, similar to dried chickpeas.
a highly motivated athlete with a great work ethic
Keywords:  adherence, sticking
Sticking, adherence.