A tool consisting of a metal head set perpendicular on a handle, used for driving nails.
The predominant tool of the armourer. Similar in shape to the silversmithing hammers, armourer's hammers are normally 2-3 times heavier than a similar tool used to work silver. An even and accurate hammer stroke is necessary to the production of crisp interpretations. Modern armourers can acquire such tools through some blacksmithing supply houses or from European toolmakers such as Peddinghouse. Sometimes old hammers can be acquired, and modified if necessary to do the required task. A modern armourer will have from between 20 and 100 hammers that they use regularly, with most preferring 2 to 5 for most of the work and the rest serving specialized purposes. These are often bought from tool collectors or modifies to solve a particular problem. See Chronique: The Journal of Chivalry #6.
a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking
an athletic competition in which a heavy metal ball that is attached to a flexible wire is hurled as far as possible
a power tool for drilling rocks
the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows); "the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard"; "the pounding of feet on the hallway"
a bad tool when opening a paint can, but its the right tool when installing asphalt shingles on a roof
a crappy tool if you need a spanner
a good tool for a carpenter
a good tool for pounding nails into wood
a great solution if your problem is a nail
a great tool if you want to drive a nail into a piece of wood, but a very bad tool if you need to saw the wood in half
a hand tool that has a handle with a
a lever when it is used to pull a nail out of a piece of wood
a much less sophisticated tool, but a lot better for building
a must-have item in your tool box
a necessary carpenter's tool
an important tool in most automotive repairs
a one- or two-handed weapon designed with a long grip and a head for delivering heavy blows to a target
a strong, hand-held tool that is used to help bore holes into objects
a tool -- and a very important tool at that
a tool designed for pounding or delivering repeated blows
a tool, effective and efficient, for performing different jobs
a tool for accomplishing a task, but does not itself present a doing or making
a tool for putting nails into objects such as wood
a tool that cah help you build a house and this kids stage trailer will assist us to build the kingdom of God
a tool that can either be constructive or destructive depending on the user and his intent
a tool until you hit someone over the head with it
a tool which utilizes mechanical energy to do work
a useful and effective tool if your task is to drive a nail into a board
a useful tool if you are driving nails, not so much if you are sawing wood
a useful tool in its own realm, with its own limitations
a wonderful tool, but it is just about useless when you are trying to get that little screw back into the hinge of your glasses
Although there's a baffling array of specialty hammers out there -- framing hammers, wallboard hammers, mason's hammers, ball-peen hammers, and tack hammers, to name a few -- most folks still use this tool to drive and pull nails. And for those tasks, your best bet is the plain-vanilla 16-ounce curved claw hammer. Home Improvement Encyclopedia
A hammer is a tool used to bang on things with a weighty head and a light handle extending at right angles to the head. It is used by holding the handle and swinging the weighted end and letting the momentum of the head do the work that a stone held in the hand could not. Hammers range in weight from a few ounces in a jewelers hammer to many pounds in a full sized sledge. A common size for daily use is 16 ounces. A hammer may have two striking faces, which may be similar or different, or it may have one striking face with the other replaced with some other useful addition, such as the claw hammer which has two curved blades with a V-shaped groove that will catch on nails so they can be pulled out using the lever action of the handle. Other relatively common hammers include tack, bodywork, framing, and sledge.
A tool for pounding which is a metal head fastened across one end of a hand with one end of the head may be a pronged claw for pulling nails, as in a carpenter's handle.
A very, very hard attack which sends the ball into the floor in the manner of a nail into a plank of wood.
Brass edged tool which is used to press veneer down while it is being laid. The hammer used to smooth the glue out under the veneer.
Just like what you use in putting nails in your walls. Hammers are used in eyelet setting and small hole punching. A scrapbook hammer is smaller and more portable but your typical hammer from the garage will do just as nicely.
Named for its resemblance to the tool. A pipe in this shape consists of a long slender stem and an oversized bowl
A handtool consisting of a solid head set crosswise on a handle and used for pounding.
italian "martellina" - mosaic tool used with a hardie to cut tesserae since ancient times. hardie
A hammer is a tool meant to deliver blows to an object. The most common uses are for driving nails, fitting parts, and breaking up objects. Hammers are often designed for a specific purpose, and so their design varies quite a lot.