An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a sword, etc.
An instrument used in anti-personnel combat. The term is never used when referring to target or sporting firearms.
a device for making your enemy change his mind
a device for protection, defending one's country, etc
a firearm, a knife, a destructive device or a dangerous instrument
a gun, knife or other tool that can be used to injure or kill
an enemy even to its owner
an intimidating thing --- but it should not be used as a tool for intimidation
a object that can be used to deal damage to an opponent
a particular tool and like any tool would be handled with respect
a physical object that may be used to injure or overcome an opponent in any way
a technology or object married to the intention of the user
a tool A tool is, among other things, a device that provides a mechanical or mental advantage in accomplishing a task
a tool only in the hands of the person using it for a purpose
a tool," she repeated, a little breathlessly
a tool, that when put in the hands of a PERSON, only does what THAT PERSON wants it to do
a tool to damage life or property, and as a result, also to threaten and defend
a tool to solve a problem
a tool used for fighting and defending one's self, one's country, one's family, and against a tyrannical government
a tool used for the purpose of aggression
a tool used to kill, maim, destroy or perhaps simply disable, and as a result, also to threatenand defend
a tool used to kill or incapacitate a person or animal, or destroy a military target
a tool which can be used during combat to kill or incapacitate , more
a tool which can be used during combat to kill or , to destroy property , or to otherwise render resources non-functional or unavailable
any instrument or object used with the intent to threaten, injure, or kill. Examples include guns, knives, razor blades or other sharp-edged objects, ice picks, other pointed objects (including pens, pencils), baseball bats, frying pans, sticks, rocks, and bottles.
A tool designed for a human being to enable her to protect herself, or to commit agression against other people, or (sometimes) to take game. Not all firearms are weapons. Many firearms are designed and used only for target shooting or for competitions involving speed and accuracy.
A weapon is an item that is intended for use in combat - to injure, kill, disarm or an opponent or victim, or to otherwise render resources non-functional or unavailable.