"The way": central tenet of Daoism
isk nce If you want the tracks of a CD you are about to toast to appear in the original order - use the mode isk nce
Chinese for the moral way in Confucianism but nature's way in Daoism.
Disc At Once A method of recording to CD in which the disc is written all at once without interruption and without the recording laser turning off. It is generally considered the best method for recording a CD.
A method of writing CDs in which one or more tracks are written in a single operation and the disc is closed, without ever turning off the writing laser. See TAO (Track-at-Once).
(Tao in Wade-Giles). Sometimes translated as "Way" or "Word" ("In the beginning was the Word..."), the Dao is beyond description. "Since before time and space were, the Tao is. It is beyond is and is not. How do I know this is true? I look inside myself and see." (Mitchell, Tao Te Ching, v. 21). We might say that there is everything (Taiji) and nothing (Wuji) -- and the Dao is that which causes them both to be. For practical purposes, it is "the way things are."
DAO is the acronym for 'Disc-At-Once'. Read On
isc nce. When you burn a CD Disc-At-Once, the laser never turns off and it's written as one continuous stream of data. It also closes the disc so you can't write to it anymore. The benefit of this to trading CD's is that you eliminate the 2 second gap between tracks that other methods, like Track-At-Once, produce. Never accept a CD not burned DAO.
Disc at once. During the CD burning process, the entire CD is written at once without the write laser being turned off.
isc nce. The preferred option for burning live CDs. When a disc is burned DAO, there are no gaps between songs. The opposite is TAO.
(dow) 1. Also known as the “Tao,” a Daoist term for “the Way of nature and the universe”; 2. An Enlightened being who has attained this Dao.
(dow) – “the Way” (also spelled “Tao”).
The Chinese character Dao means path or way. Also tao.
Disc At Once. "A CD-R disc recorded in Disc-At-Once modus is burned in one go, whithout switching off the laser between each track like in Track-At-Once."
literally, "way" or "path;" in Daoism, the rhythmic balance and natural, flowing patterns of the universe. The enlightened human being is one who always acts in accordance with the Dao.