Fundamental atomic particles that have a negative electrical charge but virtually no mass. They surround the nuclei of atoms and thus balance the positive charge of protons in the nucleus. A flow of electrons in a wire is synonymous with an electrical current.
Negatively charged atomic particles.
Electron is a sub-atomic particle with a negative charge. They generate an electric current when they move.
Negatively charged carriers of electricity. A photon of sunlight can create an electron-hole pair via the photoelectric effect.
a low-mass, negatively charged sub-atomic particle. Electrons orbit the atomic nucleus but may at times be torn free.
These are found orbiting the nucleus of an atom and have a negative charge. Shell(s) of electrons are present in all atoms. The inner shell of any atom has a capacity of 2 electrons and any further shells have a capacity of 8 electrons. In a neutral atom the number of protons is the same as the number of electrons.
Subatomic particles found in atoms that balance out the positive charge of a proton (within the nucleus) with their negative charge.
The basic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom. The flow of electrons produces electricity.
Fundamental particles carrying one negative charge each, which carry current in metals and many other materials
a negatively charged sub-atomic particle, which are the charge carriers in a metal conductor.
An elementary particle carrying a negative charge. A constituent of all atoms. The charge carriers in conductors
Invisible particles of charged matter moving at the speed of light through an electrical circuit. Home Improvement Encyclopedia
negatively charged particles that surround the atom's nucleus which were discovered by J. J. Thomson in 1897.
Tiny, negatively charged particles that make up the outer portions of atoms.
A negative charged particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom. It is lighter in weight than a proton or neutron.
Outer particles of normal atoms. Interactions between most materials are explained in terms of their electrons. An electron carries a negative electrical charge.
Negatively charged particles orbiting the nucleus of a molecule.
Negatively charged particules found in an atom that revolve around the atomic nucleus in electron clouds or orbitals.
a subatomic particle particle in the lepton family. The most basic negative charge.
Negatively-charged particles surrounding atomic nuclei.
Tiny particles moving around the nucleus of each atom. Each electron has an electric charge called "a negative charge."
Elementary particles with a negative charge
An elementary particle consisting of a charge of negative electricity.
Used for external-beam radiotherapy or brachytherapy, these negatively charged subatomic particles are administered by machines that accelerate them.
A lightweight particle, carrying a negative electric charge and found in all atoms. Electrons can be energized or even torn from atoms by light and by collisions, and they are responsible for many electric phenomena in solid matter and in plasmas.
Subatomic particles with a negative charge and a negligible mass relative to protons and neutrons. Radioactivity
Elementary particles that possess one unit of negative charge and are a constituent of all atoms.
These are particles with a negative charge that orbit around an atom. When they are present in equal numbers to the protons then the atom is neutral, or not charged either positively or negatively. (See also Protons).
a negatively charged subatomic particle. Electrons are found at varying distances from a atom's nucleus. They make up almost the entire volume of a atom but only account for a small part of the atom's mass. Compare to protons.
A negatively charged particle. The movement of electrons in an electrical conductor constitutes an electric current.
A sub-atomic (really, really small) particle that carries a negative energy charge.
are tiny invisible particles inside the atoms that make up everything on earth. Electrons have a slight negative charge, and their movement is what we know as electricity.
An electron is a very small negatively-charged particle found in an atom in the space surrounding the nucleus. !-- if (brFam = 6) { var currJargon = document.getElementById("electrons_Container"); = "none"; = "absolute";