An elementary particle made up of two quarks; a hadron having a baryon number of zero; any hadron other than a baryon. Mesons are bosons with integral values of spin, having a mass intermediate between those of the electron and a nucleon; they may have positive or negative charges, or may be neutral. Mesons are of three types: the pion (p-meson), kaon (K-mesons), and e-mesons.
A family of particles that are made up of a quark and an anti-quark bound by gluons. They are all bosons and carry the residual strong force, which keeps baryons (especially the proton and neutron) together. See also: boson, quark, gluon, strong force, Debriefing, Journey - Meson
hadron composed of a quark and an anti-quark.
A class of elementary particle whose mass is between that of a proton and that of an electron. A common kind of meson is the pion.
A class of hadronic particleswhich are exchanged between neutrons and protons inside the atomic nucleus and which bind the nucleus together. Free mesons decay into photons and leptons
A particle ( hadron) consisting of a quark-antiquark pair (eg. pion, kaon...). Mesons are bosons.
A class of strongly interacting particles with zero baryon number, among them the pi meson.
A sub-atomic particle of intermediate weight.
an elementary particle responsible for the forces in the atomic nucleus; a hadron with a baryon number of 0
a class of subatomic - particles consisting of a quark and an anti quark particle (an anti particle ) which includes the lighter pion and kaon particles
a generic term for any particle made from a quark-antiquark pair
a kind of particle that consists of a quark and an anti-quark
a particle composed of a quark and an anti-quark
a particle ( hadron ) composed of a quark and an antiquark of opposite colors
a sub-atomic, non-elementary particle composed of an even number of quarks and anti-quarks
a two-quark state only if you consider an anti-quark a quark
An elementary particle of mass intermediate between the masses of the electron and proton.
Bound state of a quark and an antiquark.
particle made of a quark and an antiquark that is thought to bind protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus of an atom
a hadron that is composed of a quark (any flavor) and an antiquark (any flavor).
A hadron made from an even number of quark constituents The basic structure of most mesons is one quark and one antiquark.
A particle (such as the pion) made of quark-antiquark pairs.
A particle made up of two quarks (actually, a quark and an antiquark).
A 2-colored block, i.e. the non-corner blocks on an edge. In particle physics, mesons are particles consisting of 2 quarks, hence the name.
In particle physics, a meson is a strongly interacting boson, that is, it is a hadron with integral spin. In the Standard Model, mesons are composite (non-elementary) particles composed of an even number of quarks and antiquarks. All known mesons are believed to consist of a quark-antiquark pair — the so-called valence quarks — plus a "sea" of virtual quark-antiquark pairs and virtual gluons.