Heavy subatomic particles that interact strongly in nuclei. The lowest-mass examples are the proton and neutron.
common particles including photons and neutrinos created at approximately 10^-33 seconds after the Big Bang
A group of hadrons that are made with 3 quarks. Examples include protons and neutrons. See also: hadron, quark, proton, neutron, Debriefing
hadron composed of three quarks. Examples include the protons and neutrons found in ordinary nuclei.
The class of subatomic particles in which protons and neutrons are included. The baryons form the atomic nucleus, along with another class of particles - the mesons. We, and everything we can see around us, are made of baryonic matter.
Heavy subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons, that make up the nuclei of atoms.
Elementary particles belonging to a type of fermions that includes the nucleons, hyperons, delta particles, and others. Each baryon is associated with a baryon number of one, which is a quantity conserved in all nuclear reactions.
(also known as nucleons) The heavier particles, e.g., protons and neutrons, that make up the nucleus of an atom; any particle whose decay products include a proton.