A hypothetical symmetry relating particles of different spins. Under this symmetry, matter particles (spin one-half fermions) are related to force particles (spin-zero or spin-one bosons).
A mathematical theory which suggests that, for every known type of particle, there should be a heavier 'supersymmetric partner', with identical internal properties, but different spin. Hypothetical as yet, the counterparts to the bosons are fermions with names ending in 'ino' (for example, chargino, photino, gluino) and those of the leptons and quarks are bosons whose names have an initial 's' (selectrons, squarks).
a symmetry principle that relates the properties of particles with a whole number amount of spin (bosons) to those with half a whole (odd) number of spin (fermions).
A theory which unifies bosons and fermions. Every known particle would be paired with a "superpartner" of the opposite type (boson vs. fermions). The major goal of the newest high energy accelerators is to discover these superpartners and to find evidence for supersymmetry. It is an essential ingredient in realistic string theory models, hence the "super" in "superstring".
An extension of the standard model of particle physics, supersymmetry hypothesizes the existence of a complete set of additional particles which complement those that are known to exist. Thus far, no supersymmetric particles have been detected. In some theories, the least massive supersymmetric particle (often called a WIMP) could be a good candidate for the dark matter in the universe.
(physics) a theory that tries to link the four fundamental forces; "according to supersymmetry each force emerged separately during the big bang"
A symmetry that relates fermions and bosons. It appears to be an indispensable ingredient in the TOE. If supersymmetry is indeed realized in nature, then every particle has a superpartner.
In particle physics, supersymmetry (often abbreviated SUSY) is a symmetry that interchanges bosons and fermions. In supersymmetric theories, every fundamental fermion has a bosonic superpartner and vice versa. A supersymmetric quantum field theory tames quantum mechanical dynamics and sometimes allows the theory to be solved.