The strong nuclear force exists only between Hadrons (i.e protons, neutrons, etc) it's around 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force and therefore holds the nucleus together. The strong nuclear force ranges over approximately one fermi. (10^(-15) metres) and is mediated by particles called mesons, the most important of these being the lowest mass meson called the pion.
This is the strongest of the four fundamental forces of nature. It only has a very short range - to the order of femtometres (10-15m). It is the force that holds the nucleus together.
interactions between baryons and mesons(takes 10^-23s)binds protons and neutrons in neclei. Describes the interaction between constituent quarks. The strong force's guage boson is the gluon.
nuclear "glue" or binding force that holds the nucleons together against the disruptive repulsive force of the positively charged protons. It operates within the nuclear domain (-10-13 centimeter).
A short-range nuclear force that operates within an atomic nucleus.
one of the four forces of nature. The strong nuclear force holds the particles in the nucleus of atoms together.
Force holding the protons and neutrons together within the atomic nucleus (p.78-80).