An electrically charged atom or group of atoms due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons. Positively charged ions, known as cations, include potassium, calcium, sodium, hydrogen, ammonium, and magnesium. Negatively charged ions, called anions, include chloride, phosphate, and bicarbonate. The transfer of ions across cellular membranes plays an essential role in vital bodily processes, including enzyme activation, protein metabolism, acid-base balance, nerve impulse transmission, and muscle contraction.
An atom that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons. More about ions...
An electrostatically charged atom or molecule.
An atom or group of atoms that has gained or lost electrons and so has a net electric charge.
An atom in a charged state, either having a deficiency (a positive charge) or a surplus (having a negative charge).
An atom or molecule that carries a net charge (either positive or negative) because of an imbalance between the number of protons and the number of electrons present. If the ion has more electrons than protons, it has a negative charge. If the converse is true, the ion has a positive charge. Ions with a positive charge are called cations; ions with a negative charge are called anions.
an atom or group of atoms that has either gained or lost electrons and so has an electrical change.
An atom or molecule with a positive or negative electrical charge. Positively charged ions are cations, and negatively charged ions are anions.
An electrically charged particle formed by the gain or loss of electrons.
An electrical portion of matter of sub-atomic, atomic, or molecular dimensions such as is formed when a molecule of gas loses an electron (when the gas is stressed electrically beyond the critical voltage) or when a neutral atom or group of atoms in a fluid loses or gains one or more electrons.
an atom that has either gained or lost electrons, making it a charged particle.
An atom which has had one or more of its electrons removed, leaving the atom with a net positive electrical charge equal and opposite to the charge of the electrons which have been removed.
an atom that has gained or lost an electrons and has a negative or positive charge
anion, cation, and divalent ion. An ion is an electrically charged atom or group of atoms. The charge is the result of the loss or gain of one or more electrons. The gain of one or more electrons produces an ion with a negative charge ( anion). The loss of one or more electrons produces an ion with a positive charge ( cation). Ions that have gained or lost two electrons are called divalent ions.
A charged atom; an atom with more or fewer electrons than protons.
an ion is a positively or negatively charged atom or molecule. An ion will be positive (a cation) if it has less electrons than protons. It will be negative (an anion) if it has more electrons than protons.
An atom or molecule that has lost or gained an electron and consequently has a positive or negative charge.
A negatively or positively charged atom. Normally, atoms are electrically neutral; the amount of positive and negative charge is equal. Energetic photons may excite and eject electrons from the atom, thus leaving a net positive charge. This process is called ionization.
An atom or group of atoms (a radical) that has lost or gained one or more electrons, and such possess an electrical charge. Positively charged ions are cations and negatively charged ions are anions.
A particle that is charged through the gain or loss of an electron(s)
An atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge, such as the Na+ or Cl- ions.
An atom or molecule with one or more electrons removed (positive ion)or attached (negative ion).
Atomic particle, atom or chemical radical bearing an electric charge, either negative or positive.
Ion is an atomic or molecular particle having a net electric charge.
A particle formed when an electron is added to, or subtracted from, a neutral atom or group of atoms.
An atom with more or fewer electrons than those needed to cancel the electronic charge of the nucleus. An ion is an atom with a net electric charge.
A condition in which an atom has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons.
An ion is an electrically charged atom or group of atoms. An atom that gains an electron becomes a negatively charged ion called an anion. An atom that loses an electron becomes a positively charged ion or a cation.
an atomic sized particle that has a net positive or negative charge
Atom or group of atoms with one or more positive (1) or negative (2) electrical charges. Compare atom, molecule.
An ion is an atom has lost (or occasionally gained) one or more electrons and thus has a net electrical charge. An plasma is said to be fully ionized if its atoms have completely loss their bound electrons.
An atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons or an electron that is not attached to an atom.
a charged atom or molecule, can be positive or negatively charged
Electronically charged atom or group of atoms formed by the gain or loss of electrons.
An atom consisting of a positive or negative charge as a result of a lost or gained electron.
Group of atoms or an atom electrically charged.
Compare? An electrically charged atom or group of atoms.
An atom which possesses an electrical charge. When an atom gains or loses an electron, it becomes an ion.
An atom or group of atoms that have gained or lost one or more electrons and as a result have an electrical charge.
is here an atom from which one or more electrons typically present has been removed. see also, electron-deficient atoms.
An atom or molecule bearing a positive or negative charge due to the donation or acceptance, respectively, of an electron.
an atom with an electric charge due to gain or loss of electrons.
Atom, molecule, or molecular fragment carrying a positive or negative electrical charge.
a charged particle or group of particles; formed usually when a substance, such as salt, dissolves and dissociates
An atom or a group of atoms charged either positively or negatively.
An atom, molecule or compound that carries either a positive ( cation) or negative ( anion) electrical charge.
Atom with an unbalanced electrical charge caused by the loss or gain of one or more electrons.
An elementary particle, atom or molecule, not electrically neutral, i.e. a positive ion has lost one or more electrons.
an atom that has gained or lost electrons causing it to have a positive or negative charge
an atom or group of atoms given a positive electrical charge by the loss of one or more electrons or a negitive charge by the additions of one or more electrons [Gr, going
An ion is an atom that is being orbited by a different number of electrons than the number of protons in its nucleus. If it has too many electrons to be neutral it will have a negative charge and be called an anion. If it has too few electrons to be neutral it will have a positive charge and be called a cation.
(eye´ on) [Gr.: wanderer] • An atom or group of atoms with electrons added or removed, giving it a negative or positive electrical charge.
A charged atom or group of atoms that has separated from an ion of the opposite charge. In water, some chemical molecules separate into cations (positive charge) and anions (negative charge). Thus the number of cations equals the number of anions.
An atom that carries a positive or negative charge due to the loss or gain of an electron.
a particle with an electrical charge (the number of electrons is different than the number of protons).
A particle with either a positive or negative charge.
An atom or molecule which is electrically charged, because of an excess or deficiency of electrons.
a positively or negatively charge particle.
An atom with either an excess or deficiency of electrons, and therefore an electric charge.
a charged species, or an atom or a molecule that has lost or gained an electron
a chemical substance - such as sodium or potassium - that carries an electrical charge and forms the basis of the movement of electricity through the heart muscle
An ion is an atom which has lost or gained electrons and has become positively or negatively charged respectively.
usually, an atom from which one or more electrons have been torn off, leaving a positively charged particle. "Negative ions" are atoms which have acquired one or more extra electrons, and clusters of atoms can also become ions.
positively or negatively charged atom or group of atoms.
an atom or molecule with net electrical charge through loss or gain of an electron, either positive (a cation) or negative (an anion)
Removing or adding electrons to an atom creates an ion (a charged object very similar to an atom).
In soils, an ion is an electrically charged element or combination of elements resulting from the breaking up of an electrolyte in solution. Since most soil solutions are highly dilute, many of the salts exist as ions. For example, all or part of the potassium chloride in most soils exists as potassium ions and chloride ions.
Any atom with more or fewer electrons than its normal state, or no electrons at all..
an atom that has fewer or more electrons than it has protons causing it to have an electrical charge and, therefore, be chemically reactive.
A moving particle of electricity.
Part of a molecule or group of atoms, positively or negatively charged, which transports electricity through the electrolyte.
Atom or molecule that carries a positive or negative charge because of the loss or gain of electrons.
An atom or group of atoms which has a charge imbalance due to a gain or loss of electrons.
An atom or molecule that has acquired an electrical charge by the loss or gain of electrons. When electrons are stripped from hydrogen atoms in the anode side of the fuel cell, the atoms become positively charged hydrogen protons, which are ions. search
An atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electronic charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons.
I-on An atom that has lost or gained electrons, giving it an electrical charge. 38
an atom, group of atoms, or molecule that has acquired an electrical charge by gaining or lossing electrons.
Ions are atoms or molecules that carry an electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons. See also cation and anion. ORIGIN Middle 19th century. From Greek, neuter present participle of ienai meaning 'go.'
An atomic particle, atom or chemical radical that carries a net electrical charge, either positive or negative.
A molecule that has a specific electrical charge (either a positive/cation or negative/anion). Cleaning chemistry focuses largely on defining the electrical charges of the different types of dirt and the surfaces they soil. Cleaning agents are created to take advantage of these ions to either attract or repel other ions. The dissolving, emulsifying, washing and rinsing away of soil are, therefore, the result of this electric-magnetic phenomenon.
An electrically charged particle. Ions may be negatively or positively charged. KELVIN A scale for measuring temperature where 0 Kelvin is equal to -273.16 degrees Celsius. Zero Kelvin is referred to as absolute zero, the point at which all motion within molecules comes to a stop.
An atom or combination of atoms that has gained or lost one or more electrons and thus has a net electrical charge.
an atom or molecule which has a positive or a negative electrical charge.
An atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons to become electrically charged.
An atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons, thereby becoming electrically charged.
A particle in solution that can carry a negative or positive charge.
An atom or molecule with an electric charge.
An ion is an electrically charged atom or molecule. An anion is a negative ion, whereas a cation is positive. In PEM and other fuel cells, hydrogen ions (H+) are the cations. In an alkali fuel cell, hydroxyl ions (OH-) are the anions.
an atom or covalently-bonded molecule with an overall charge. Ions form ionic bonds with other ions
An atom, molecule or radical that has lost or gained one or more electrons, thus acquiring an electric charge. Positively charged ions are cations; negatively charged ions are anions.
Positively (cation) or negatively (anion) charged particle.
an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge.
atom which has a positive or negative electric charge
An atom with one or more electrons removed (or added), giving it a positive (or negative) charge.
An atom or bound group of atoms that carries an electrical charge. Water contains ions that affect enzyme activity in the mash, and others that affect beer flavor.
An atom that has lost or gained electrons from its outer shell and therefore has a positive or negative charge, respectively; symbolized by a superscript plus or minus sign and sometimes a number, e.g., H+, Na+1, Cl-2.
An atom, molecule, or elementary particle that has lost or gained one or more electrons, therefore taking on an electrical charge. A positive ion has lost one or more electrons; a negative ion has gained one or more electrons.
An electrically charged atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained electrons; a loss makes the resulting particle positively charged; a gain makes the particle negatively charged.
an electrically charged particle obtained from an atom or a chemically bonded group of atoms by adding or removing electrons.
An atom, group of atoms, or molecule that has gained or lost electrons, thus causing the atom to become either positively or negatively charged.
Free electron or other charged subatomic particle
An atom or group of atoms which has either lost or gained electrons and has therefore become either positively or negatively charged.
an atom with a net electrical charge due to the loss or addition of electrons, e.g., Sr2+ has lost two electrons, Cl- has gained one electron.
An ion is an atom that has been charged. Neutral atoms have the same number of protons and electrons. Since the charge of these two particles are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, the charge of a neutral atom is zero. When an atom gives up or takes on an electron, the positive and negative charges are no longer balanced. Extra electrons give an ion a negative charge. Fewer electrons give an ion a positive charge. ( An atom or molecule which has gained or lost one or more electrons, thereby having a net negative or positive electrical charge. A fusion plasma is so hot that virtually all the electrons are stripped from the atoms creating ions that have a net positive charge equal to the number of protons in their nucleus.
An atom, group or molecule that has either lost one or more electrons or gained one or more electrons.
A charged particle usually formed when a chemical dissolves. For example, when salt crystals (sodium chloride} dissolve they form positive charged sodium ions (action or NA+) and negative charged chloride ions (anion or C1-).
An atom or group of atoms that has a net positive or negative charge. From Introductory Chemistry, A Foundation, 1990, D.C. Heath and Company.
An atom, or group of atoms, that has gained or lost one or more outer electrons and thus carries an electric charge. Positive ions, or cations, are deficient in outer electrons. Negative ions, or anions, have an excess of outer electrons.
An electrically charged atom or group of atoms, the electrical charge of which results from a neutral atom or group of atoms losing or gaining one or more electrons.
Usually an atom has neither a positive nor a negative charge but is in balance. When an atom loses or gains an electron it becomes positively or negatively charged and is known as an ion. For example, if the atom gains an electron it gains the negative electric charge of that electron and becomes a negative ion.
an atom with a positive or negative charge, making it unstable or reactive, subject to spontaneous change
An electrically charged atom or molecule obtained by the gain or loss of electrons.
Ion is atom or group of atoms that has a net positive or negative charge as a result of unequal numbers of positively (cation) and negatively (anion) charged particles.
Atom or group of atoms which has a net charge, ie, there are not enough electrons to properly balance out the charge of the nuclei. Ionization energy Amount of energy required to remove one electron from an atom.
An electrically charged particle. Positively charged ions such as the hydrogen ion and metallic ions are called cations, negatively charged ions such as the hydroxyl ion and acid ions are called anions. [Gk. ion, going + kata, down + ana, up.
An atom with fewer electrons in orbit than the number of protons in the nucleus is a positive ion. An atom with a greater number of electrons in orbit than the number of protons in the nucleus is a negative ion.
An atom or molecule, which has lost or gained one or more electrons, thereby acquiring a net electric charge.
An atom or molecule, or fraction of an organic substance, that has an electrical charge, positive or negative. Ions are a key factor in holding compounds together.
is an atom or molecule that has acquired an electric charge by the loss or gain of one or more electrons.
an atom or molecule that has an electric charge because it has either gained or lost electrons
An atom that has lost one or more of its outer electrons and has a positive charge.
An atom or molecule that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons.
An ion is a charged atom or group of atoms, e.g. Na+.
An atom that has become electrically charged by the addition or loss of one or more electrons.
Atoms that have either a positive or negative charge.
An electrically charged particle or molecule.
Electrically charged portion of matter of atomic or molecular dimensions.
a charged particle, usually of air or nitrogen. The charge can either be positive (+) or negative (-). A positive charge is the result of missing electrons. A negative charge is the result of extra electrons.
An electrically charged particle. Ions may be negatively or positively charged. KILOGRAM 1000grams. A kilogram equals 2.2 pounds.
(n) An electrically charged particle resulting from the breakdown of atoms through solution in water and making this solution a conductor of electricity
An atom or group of atoms possessing a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained an electron.
An atom or molecule with an electrical charge.
An atom that has lost or (less commonly) gained one or more electrons and which therefore contains an electric charge.
An electrically charged atom or group of atoms. If an atom or molecule gains an electron - it becomes a negatively charged anion, or if it loses an electron it becomes a positively charged cation.
Any atom or molecule that contains an unequal number of electrons and protons and, therefore, carries a net positive or negative electrical charge.
An atom or molecule that has become electrically charged by having lost or gained one or more electrons. Examples of an ion are an alpha particle, which is a helium atom minus its two electrons, and a proton, which is a hydrogen atom minus its single electron.
an atom that has either lost or gained electrons, thus possessing a postive or negative electrical charge
An atom or group of atoms that become electrically charged by gain or loss electrons.
An atomic particle that is electrically charged, either negatively or positively.
An atom or group of atoms that is electrically charged. IOU: An investor–owned utility. A company, owned by stockholders for profit, that provides utility services. A designation used to differentiate a utility–owned and operated for the benefit of shareholders from municipally–owned and operated utilities, regional public power districts and rural electric cooperatives and systems.
an elctrically charged atom or group of atoms
An atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons, and thus has a net electric charge.
An atomic particle that is electrically charged, either negative or positive.
An electrically charged atom or group of atoms. The positive or negative charge is the result of the loss (positive ion) or gain (negative ion) of one or more electrons.
an atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons to become a charged species.
An atom or molecule with a net charge
An atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons and has become electrically charged as a result.
Any electrically charged particle, in particular atom nuclei lacking one or more electrons of their nominal complement.
an atom that has either gained or lost an Electron making it either positively or negatively Charged.
An ion is an atom or group of atoms that has acquired an electric charge through the gain or loss of an electron or electrons.
Any non-aggregated particle of less than colloidal size possessing either a positive or a negative electric charge. Some organic molecules are so large than even as ions they are considered to be colloids.
An electrically charged component of a molecule, which may be one atom, or a combination of atoms. When calcium sulphate, CaSO4, is dissolved in water, it breaks into the ions Ca++, and S04.
An atom, or group of atoms, which function as a unit and have a positive or negative electrical charge due to the gain or lose of one or more electrons.
An atom that has lost one or more electrons. Ions have a positive electric charge. The simplest ion is the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, which is a proton.
an atom without one or more electrons, and therefore positively charged.
An electrically charged atom, formed by the loss or gain of one or more electron.
an atom with an overall positive or negative charge.
An electrically charged atom in which the number of electrons does not equal the number of protons.
an electrically charged atom or molecule; ions combine readily with other atoms or molecules. In water, some chemical molecules separate into cations (positive charge) and anions (negative charge). Thus the number of cations equals the number of anions.
Ioni Jon An atomic or molecular particle in which the number of electrons is unequal with the number of protons, i.e. The particle has an electric charge.
An atom that has lost or gained electrons and by doing so, becomes electrically charged.
An atom with either a positive or negative charge.
An atom that is lost or has won or more electrons and has been loaded electrically consequently.
An electrically charged atom. An atom that has lost one or more of its electrons is left with a positive electrical charge. Those that have gained one or more extra electrons are left with a negative charge.
Charged atom, usually positive.
charged atom* or molecule*. A positive ion (or cation) will have lost one or more electrons*. A negative ion (or anion) will have gained one or more electrons. Ions cannot be formed by the loss or gain of protons*. Click here to go back to where you were.
Atoms, groups of atoms, or compounds that are electrically charged as a result of the loss of cations or the gain of anions.
An atom or molecular fragment that has a positive electrical charge due to the loss of one or more electrons; the simplest ion is the hydrogen nucleus, a single proton.
an atom or small molecule which carries a positive or negative charge.
An atomic particle, atom, or molecule that has acquired an electrical charge, either positive or negative, by gaining or losing electrons.
An atom that is electrically-charged because of loss or gain of electrons.
An electrically charged particle that can carry either a positive charge or a negative charge. An ion consists of an atom or group of atoms into which the molecules of an electrolyte are divided.
an atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons and thus has either a positive (cation) or negative (anion) charge.
Electrically charged atom or grouping of atoms.
(i'-on) An atom or radical that has lost or gained one or more electrons, and thus acquired an electric charge. Cations are positively charged ions. Anions are negatively charged ions.
An atom or radical (group of atoms such as SO42-
An atom that has gained or lost a valence electron resulting in a net positive or negative charge.
An electrically charged particle. Ions can be positive (e.g. Na+) or negative (e.g. Cl-). Like charges repel or push each other away, and opposite charges attract or draw each other.
positively- or negatively-charged particles - eg positively charged hydrogen, sodium and potassium atoms. Ion charge helps determine a substance's acidity or alkalinity Humans as organisms
An atom or a molecule that has lost or gained an electron. An ion is also known as a charged particle. Ions are usually more reactive than neutral, uncharged particles. They cause all sorts of things from static electricity and chemical reactions like smog, to body processes like cellular respiration and digestion.
An ion is an atom that is missing one or more electrons; ions have an electrical charge.
A particle bearing an electric charge which is formed when a neutral atom, or group of atoms, loses or gains one or more electrons. Loss of electrons results in positive charges producing a cation; gain of electrons results in the formation of an anion with negative charges.
is an atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons and has an electronic charge.
An ion is a charge particles formed by loss or gain of electrons. When atoms lose an electron they become a positive ion. When they gain an electron they become a negative ion. !-- if (brFam = 6) { var currJargon = document.getElementById("ion_Container"); = "none"; = "absolute";
An atom or molecule that has acquired an electrical charge by either gaining or losing electrons cation is an ion that has lost electrons and acquired a positive charge. An anion is an ion that has gained electrons and acquired a negative charge.
A charge atom or radical which may be positive or negative.
A molecule or atom that has lost one or more electrons and is, therefore, electrically charged.
An atom that, because of the loss of one or more electrons, has a positive electrical charge.
An ion is a charged particle formed by loss or gain of electrons. When atoms lose an electron they become a positive ion. When they gain an electron they become a negative ion. Classifying materials
An unbalanced atom; any atom that has an electrical charge either positive or negative.
An electrically charged atom. It has either lost or gained one or more electrons.
An atom with less than or an excess of normal electrons.
atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons than its normal complement.
An ion is an atom or group of atoms that normally are electrically neutral and achieve their status as an ion by loss or addition of one or more electrons. The simplest ions are the proton (a hydrogen ion, H+, positive charge), and alpha particle (helium ion, He2+, consisting of two protons and two neutrons). A negatively charged ion, which has more electrons in its electron shells than it has protons in its nuclei, is known as an anion (pronounced ; an-eye-on) due to its attraction to anodes.