The Combined DNA Index System is an electronic database of DNA profiles obtained from evidence samples from unsolved crimes and from known individuals convicted of particular crimes. Contributions to this database are made through state crime laboratories and the data are maintained by the FBI.
A set of markers used to uniquely identify an individual, often for legal purposes. These are different markers than the ones used in Y chromosome or mtDNA testing.
Combined DNA Index System Control policies and procedures to ensure actions identified as necessary for risk assessment are carried out. They have to be both established and executed for their effectiveness to be established. Control activities are made up of two elements, policies and procedures.
CO mbined NA ndex ystem is an electronic database of DNA profiles. These profiles are generated from convicted offenders and/or from crime scene evidence. CODIS enables comparison and data sharing amongst authorized laboratories using an encrypted secure format. CODIS was developed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI and provided at no cost to law enforcement forensic laboratories worldwide.