Intellect; understanding; talent; -- used humorously.
The reason; the highest intellect; God regarded as the World Reason.
(1) The "Divine Mind" (2) The rational part of the soul (3) The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos. (4) In Stoicism, the equivalent of Logos. (5) In Neo-Platonism, the image of the absolute good, containing the cosmos of intelligible beings.
"Mind", The soul, which is not the same as the pneuma or spirit. It is the part of the anima that gives us conciousness. The anima as a whole gives life (or literally movement.. "animates") to our bodies.
'The eye of the heart'. See St. Basil the Great's explanation of it in chapter 13 above footnote 14. The adjective is NOETIC (Greek 'noeros').
mind, reason, intelligence
common sense; "she has great social nous"
that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"
a great aviatrix picture, and could serve as an ideal introduction to a little-known French director, Jean Gremillon, who deserves to be much, much better known - if you can find a tape
Variously, mind, reason, spirit, intellect. Sometimes informally as creative inspiration.
mind or reason, both human and divine; intellect; "the place where the human ground of order is in accord with the ground of being"
The Fourth State of Consciousness. Quote from The Perfect Matrimony : "Nous is perfect awakened Consciousness. Nous is the state of Turiya, profound perfect interior illumination. Nous is legitimate objective clairvoyance. Nous is intuition. Nous is the world of the divine archetypes. Noetic thought is synthetic, clear, objective, illuminated. Whosoever reaches the heights of Noetic thought totally awakens Consciousness and becomes a Turiya. The lowest part of man is irrational and subjective and is related with the five ordinary senses. The highest part of man is the World of Intuition and objective spiritual Consciousness. In the World of Intuition, the archetypes of all things in nature develop. Only those who have penetrated into the World of objective Intuition, only those who have reached the solemn heights of Noetic thought, are truly awakened and illuminated."
(Gk) "Mind"; the higher intelligence. arabrahma(n) (Skt) "Beyond Brahman"; the Infinite; the Boundless.
Nous is a Greek word (pronounced "noose"), that corresponds to the English words intelligence, intellect, intuition or mind. It signifies a search for order by the part of the soul or mind that knows and thinks. In some forms of Greek mythology, order was imposed by an anthropomorphic father of all things, the Demiurge.