Lifetime; mortal existence.
That which exists or can exist, the existible; whatever is not nothing.
The transcendent (noumenal) world of the Absolute, perfect, unchanging Ideal Forms of which The Good is the primary and the source of all the others such as Justice, Temperance, Courage. The world of the Eternal Forms is real, true, permanent world of reason. Abstractions, such as redness, equality, and humanness, that one can conceive and recognize in a variety of things prove that the Forms exist.
Existence or being is the overflow of the divine creative energy. God as fullness spills over into Being, and that fullness is manifest in the multiplicity which is and connects all the Levels of Being which range in a hierarchy of inter-connectedness.
a person who is good and wise, so this makes God human
(capitalized) The experience of the creative Life-Principle as existence, knowlege, awareness.
Human beings cannot exist without water.