The doctrine, in opposition to the materialists, that all which exists is spirit, or soul -- that what is called the external world is either a succession of notions impressed on the mind by the Deity, as maintained by Berkeley, or else the mere educt of the mind itself, as taught by Fichte.
A belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by means of physical phenomena, as by rappng, or during abnormal mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested through a person of special susceptibility, called a medium; spiritism; the doctrines and practices of spiritualists.
this is more than a religion a science and a philosophy, it is a way of life. Spiritualism came about as a result of the Hydesville rapping's in 1848.
the doctrine that spirit is the fundamental reality
The belief that the spirits of the deceased are able to communicate with the living through a person known as a medium or by other means.
Religious doctrine advocating "communication" between the living and the spirits of the dead utilizing a "medium" as an intermediary to facilitate.
A religion - primarily of Europe and the USA - with a broadly Christian stance and a central focus on mediumship to demonstrate the continued existence of the soul.
(theology) any doctrine that asserts the separate existence of God
the belief that the spirits of dead people can communicate with people who are still alive (especially via a medium)
An officially recognised religion concerned with mediumship, belief in an afterlife and, usually, the recognition and worship of a God.
A science, philosophy, and religion using the doctrine of metaphysics, belief in the continuity of life after death and communication with this life for the advancement of civilization and personal growth.
A religious movement that is popular throughout the world. Its members believe strongly in life after death, and attend séances in order to contact the spirit world. Founded by the Fox sisters in New York in 1848.
Belief systems that ghosts and spirits can and do communicate withthe living.
as opposed to materialism (academical definition): Belief in the existence of the spiritual (non material) counterpart of a being. According to this meaning Spiritualism is the base of all religions. As a religion: English name given to the movement initiated in the XIX century founded on spirit manifestation. Contrary to Spiritism, the Spiritualism movement did not accepted reincarnation as a natural way of spirit evolution. Nowadays many Spiritualists do embrace reincarnation as a fact of life.
Type of church organization noted for communicating with the dead.
A quasi-religious popular movement which developed in the 18th and 19th centuries, and which held that the soul survives bodily death, and that the living can communicate with the spirits of the deceased; see also Medium.
(spir·i·tu·al·ism) NOUN: 1.) The belief that the dead communicate with the living, as through a medium. The practices or doctrines of those holding such a belief. 2.) A philosophy, doctrine, or religion emphasizing the spiritual aspect of being.
A belief system that ‘ spirits' of the dead can (and do) communicate with living humans in the material world. (Usually through a intermediary known as a medium).
A belief system that spirits of the dead can communicate with living humans in the material world. Usually this contact is made through an intermediary known as a medium
according to the definition adopted by the National SpiritualistAssociation of America, "is the Science, Philosophy and Religion ofcontinuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication,by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World.Spiritualism is a science because it investigates, analyses andclassifies facts and manifestations ' demonstrated from the spiritside of life. Spiritualism is a philosophy because it studies thelaws of nature both on the seen and unseen sides of life and basesits conclusions upon present observed facts. It accepts statements ofobserved facts of past ages and conclusions drawn therefrom, whensustained by reason and by results of observed facts of the presentday. Spiritualism is a religion because it strives to understand andto comply with the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Laws of Naturewhich are the laws of God." See SPIRITUALISM.
A system of faith that is based on belief in the continuity of life beyond physical death.
Also known as Spiritism. This is the belief that the spirits of the dead can and will communicate with the living through a medium.
The belief system that the dead are able to communicate with the living, through an intermediary or medium.
The belief that the dead communicate with the living, usually through a medium. Emphasizing the spiritual over the material.
Quasi-religious cult based upon the belief that survival of death is a reality, and upon the practice of communicating with deceased persons, usually via a medium.
Spiritualism is a religious movement that began in the United States and was prominent in the 1840s – 1920s, especially in English-speaking countries. The movement's distinguishing feature is the belief that the spirits of the dead can be contacted by mediums. These spirits are believed to lie on a higher spiritual plane than humans, and are therefore capable of providing guidance in both worldly and spiritual matters.