a divine gift from God - lost while we are on Earth - to be attracted by your divine truly spiritual love and for most to be
a dual inner reality that may not be realized by one or both partners unless interacting love exists
a kindred soul with whom you have a special connection, spiritually as well as physically
a mate you meet soulfully at a soul level -- equally
a person who comes into your life with the purpose of helping you to learn, and therefore advance your spiritual growth
a "spiritual classmate," that often has a complimentary consciousness and divine plan
Most often confused as a "love" interest or life partner. A Soul Mate is a kindred soul with whom you have a special spiritual connection, which does not imply a sexual partnership. They come into our lives to help us learn a major spiritual lesson that will hopefully propel us over a deep chasm that has long been part of our spiritual psyche. A soul mate can be a lover, a friend, someone who suddenly comes into your life and then just as quickly moves out (after the lesson is over). They don't come into every incarnation, that's one of the things that make a Soul Mate special.