Literally, "immortality". It is the sweet, nectarous bliss that is born in perfect meditation. Also, it can refer to a special substance created in an enlightened human nervous system which creates Divine Intoxication; sometimes also referred to as Soma.
nectar of the eternal life, obtained when the gods ( Deva) and the demons ( Asura) churned the Ocean of Milk at the beginning of the world.
Means, “nectar.” In yoga, most often associated with fragrant secretions coming from the brain, down through the nasal pharynx and into the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.
Immortality. Also a divine nectar and food of the gods, meaning one who drank of this consumed the life-giving waters of spiritual knowledge.
( Skt. / Tib. dutsi): Literally, "elixir of immortality." A symbol of wisdom, amrita is blessed liquor used in vajrayana practices.
A designation of the deathless Spirit (atman, purusha) also the nectar of immortality that oozes from the psychoenergetic center at the crown of the head (see sahasrara-cakra) when it is activated and transforms the body into a "divine body" (divya-deha)
female ejaculate; The Nectar of the Goddess; Fountain of youth
Amrita or Amrit (; ) is, according to Dharmic religions, immortal nectar or ambrosia (of which it is a cognate). It is the drink of the gods, which grants them immortality. In Sanskrit the word amrita literally means "without death", and is often referred to in texts as nectar.