Not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever; having unlimited, or eternal, existance.
Destined to live in all ages of this world; abiding; exempt from oblivion; imperishable; as, immortal fame.
One who will never cease to be; one exempt from death, decay, or annihilation.
living forever, never dying
Beyond the power of death. Immortal people cannot die.
Living for ever. Normal cells reproduce a fixed number of times and then die. Cancer cells can carry on reproducing for ever and so are immortal.
A being that lives forever.
a person (such as an author) of enduring fame; "Shakespeare is one of the immortals"
In Chinese Taoism, the Immortals were holy men or teachers who were thought to live forever.
A living being that will live forever. Note the technical difference between eternalness and immortality: God is eternal because had He had no beginning. He also is immortal because He will live forever. Humans, angels, demons, etc., are immortal because we will never cease to exist, but not eternal because we did not always exist. It is important to realize that in practice eternal and immortal are often used interchangeably and the technical difference is not always maintained.
Immortals are characters of the fictional Highlander universe born with a gift which allows them to live forever.