(Skt, fr budh, "to wake up") Human spiritual soul, principle of intuitive knowledge. hhaya (Skt) A "shade, shadow," the astral or model body.
The determinative faculty of the mind which makes decisions; sometimes translated as "intelect".(see Antahkarana)
the aspect of the Superconscious mind closest to the Soul. It is also called the Illumined Mind. Its function is discriminative wisdom.
root - budh, to know. Knowledge and the faculty of discernment
The Universal Soul or Mind. It is the spiritual soul in man (the Sixth Principle) and therefore the vehicle of Atma, the Spirit, which is the Seventh Principle.
Intelligence or the discriminating faculty, which classifies sense impressions.
(1) The Universal Soul or Mind; the spiritual soul (the sixth principle) and therefore the vehicle of Atma, the Spirit, which is the seventh principle, the unifying principle of groups. (2) Buddhi is the Buddhic Plane, the 4th plane of perception of pure intuition, reason or true Love, and the state that all humanity is evolving toward.
The universal soul or mind; higher reason; loving understanding; love wisdom. The energy of love as the Masters experience it.
(“she who is conscious, awakeâ€) — the higher mind, which is the seat of wisdom ( vidyâ, jnâna); cf. manas
Intuition of Virgo in the Higher Self reflected from Pisces, the Cosmic Ocean of Love-Wisdom.
(Skt) "Enlightened"; the spiritual self; source of intuition and discernment.
("she who is conscious, awake"): the higher mind, which is the seat of wisdom (vidya, jnana); cf. manas
Buddhi is a feminine Sanskrit noun derived from the same root (budh – to be awake; to understand; to know) as its more familiar masculine form Buddha. The word signifies a transpersonal faculty of mind higher than the rational mind that might be translated as ‘intuitive intelligence’ or simply ‘higher mind’. It is ‘that which knows’, ie, able to discern truth from falsehood.