Essentially, man, as a soul is a causal-bodied being. His causal body is an idea-matrix for the astral and physical bodies. The causal body is composed of 35 idea elements corresponding to the 19 elements of the astral body plus the 16 basic material elements of the physical body.
Interpenetrating spheres of light surrounding each one's I AM Presence at spiritual levels. The spheres of the causal body contain the records of the virtuous acts we have performed to the glory of God and the blessing of man through our many incarnations on earth.
This body is, from the standpoint of the physical plane, no body, either subjective or objective. It is, nevertheless, the center of the egoic consciousness, and is formed of the conjunction of buddhi and manas. It is relatively permanent and lasts throughout the long cycle of incarnations, and is only dissipated after the fourth initiation, when the need for further rebirth on the part of a human being no longer exists.
It isn't really a body, objectively or subjectively, but is the centre of Egoic or Soul consciousness, formed by the conjunction of buddhi and manas. It is relatively permanent throughout our long series of incarnations, but is destroyed after the 4th initiation is reached and we have achieved mastery over the three lower worlds. This body is, from the standpoint of the physical plane, no body, either subjective or objective: the centre of the egoic consciousness and is formed by the union of buddhi and manas, or Love and Mind; relatively permanent and lasts throughout the long cycle of incarnations, and is only dissipated after the fourth initiation, when the need for further rebirth on the part of a human being no longer exists.
This body is, from the standpoint of the physical plane, no body, neither subjective nor objective. It is nevertheless, the center of egoic consciousness. It represents a repository of all previous experience in incarnation, stored as faculty rather than memory. It is relatively permanent and lasts throughout the long cycle of incarnations, and is only dissipated after the fourth initiation.
The vehicle of expression of the soul on the causal plane. The receptacle where consciousness of ones evolutionary point of development is stored.
Body of causes or stored karma.
Yogic philosophy sees the body as a vehicle for the soul in its journey toward enlightenment. As such the body is really three bodies. The causal body is the subtlest of the three bodies. It houses the spirit and contains the karmic blueprint that determines the person you are. It is considered to be higher than the physical and astral bodies.
The Causal body - originally Karana-Sarira - is a Yogic and Vedantic concept that was adopted and modified by Theosophy and Neo-Theosophy, and from the latter made its way into the general New Age movement and contemporary western esotericism. It generally refers to the highest or innermost subtle body that veils the true soul.