Net-language for "by the way".
Abbreviation used in email for "by the way."
By The Way Smiling with top hat
Abbreviation for "By the Way" used in e-mail, newsgroup, and chat communication.
A common acronym used in online communications meaning "by the way."
Short for By the Way used in e-mail communication. See e-mail.
Internet slang for "by the way".
An abbreviation for ``By The Way''.
By The Way - Acronyms/Abbreviations - Acronyms/Abbreviations - Acronyms/Abbreviations - Acronyms/Abbreviations
Acronym meaning "By The Way." Seen mostly in IRC sessions.
Short for "by the way." Used in online forums, chats, and email messages.
Abbreviation of the phrase "by the way."
Email and newsgroup abbreviation of "by the way".
Shorthand for "By the way".
Commonly used in electronic communications, an acronym meaning "by the way". Can be written in either upper- or lower case.
An acronym often used in e-mail messages and chat sessions to mean: "by the way."
Acronym: By The Way. e.g. "BTW, that URL is also listed in World/ ."
This stands for "by the way". People say this when they have something to add to what they just said.
Abbreviation for Black Type Winner (q.v.)
by the way - au fait - Übrigens
By the Way. Chat abbreviation.
By The Way (internet acronym)
By The Way. The phrase is pretty much self-explanatory.
UseNet abbreviation, By The Way.
Internet standard abbr. - By The Way [Submitted by pixuk
A common acronym that stands for "By the way"
By The Way - a side note.
Acronym: 'By The Way'. Use as in general English.
By The Way. One of many short-hand phrases used in chat sessions and e-mail conversations. See IMHO.
Abbreviation for the expression, " By the way."
The acronym for "by the way".
by the way RTFM read the f****** manual
Chat expression - By the way.
(Internet abbreviation) he ay.
An acronym for "by the way."
An abbreviation often used in online conversations.
he ay, a common e-mail abbreviation.
FlyerTalk lingo meaning "By The Way"
an acronym meaning "By the way". BTW can be written in upper or lower case text. [| Up to B| Down to D | Bottom
By the way ( Internet slang phrase)[ edit] – circa or about – often used in quotations. – of common gender, such nouns may be of male or female gender without changing their form.
BTW stands for "Best to win" By the way, it means (also) "By The Way".