(1) Successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck; (2) Prophecy: a prediction uttered under divine inspiration; (3) The art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means
The art/science of using magickal tools and symbols to gather information from the Collective Unconscious on the nature of people, places, things, events in the past, present or future. Examples of divination tools are tarot cards, runes, pendulum, etc.
Latin divinatio, from divinare (divine) -- the act or practice of foretelling the future or unknown by occult means; a prophecy or augury. A divining rod is a forked branch or stick alleged to reveal hidden matter, such as water, minerals, treasure, or artifacts, by bending downward toward the desired object buried underground (also known as a dowsing rod).
The art and science of obtaining information through magical or spiritual methods, usually regarding things one could not investigate as thoroughly through more mundane methods. Divination may reveal past events, present events in distant or hidden locations, or likely future events; it can also reveal insights within a seeker's own subconscious mind. Popular tools include Tarot cards, runes, crystal balls, astrology, and channeling.
The art or act of revealing knowledge through supernormal media or intelligence.
Any method of foreseeing the future or seeking spiritual advice about a decision to made.
The foretelling of uncertain future events or the discovery of what is hidden or obscure by supernatural or magical means. The word has a sinister signification. Prophecy is the accepted by the Church as knowledge of the future. Divination, its superstitious counterpart, is the not accepted..
The art of revealing by ritual practices the future or matters that are hidden. The types of divination are to many to mention, but favours consulting the oracle or astrologia.
The art of obtaining the knowledge of unknown things of the past, present, or future by supernatural revelation. A broad distinction may be made between artificial divination by haruspication, astrology, lots, the interpretation of prodigies, lightning, augury, and the like; and natural divination, by dreams and prophetic oracles, considered as the direct revelation of the divine will, or an inward intuition flashed with irresistible conviction.
It is the term used for searching the unknown, future or past, by studying seemingly random patterns in nature. Natures tools used in divination include tealeaves, clouds, leaves, flames, etc. There are also tools used in divination which obey a law that nothing is truly random, but rather guided by the divine. These tools include the tarot, rune, ogham, numerology, palmistry and pendulum.
the practice of interpreting signs or symbols (tarot cards, runes) in order to obtain an awareness of future events.
To see into the future using tools such as a cauldron, tarot cards, I Ching, Runes etc.
The science, art, and practice of obtaining information by use of such tools as the Tarot, Crystal Ball, I Ching, Tea Leaves, Rune stones, etc.
In general, the reading of "signs" in order to predict the future. These signs can be unusual occurrences which "just happen." Other times, "signs" can be sought out and created in a systematic procedure, such as through casting wooden blocks and then linking the result to a place in a collection of divinatory sayings, such as the I-Ching.
To foretell events of the future or recount the distant past or clarify the now by using tools or actions such as Tarot cards, dreams, runes, astrology, pendulums, meditation,etc.
a practice in which an element of nature acts as a sign to provide supernatural information to the diviner.
The art of seeing or finding out things by using tools such as Tarot cards, scrying bowls or mirrors, crystal balls, I Ching, dowsing rods, pendulums, etc. Predicting the future, usually through the use of signs or an external instrument.
The magickal art of discovering the unknown through interpretation of seemingly random patterns or symbols, including the use of tools such as clouds, tarot cards, flames and smoke. Divination contacts the Psychic mind by tricking or drowsing the Conscious mind through ritual and by observing or manipulating tools. Many practitioners of Natural magick perform divination before a ritual to gain a true insight into the condition. 1: the art or practice of discovery of hidden knowlege through augery. 2: unusual insight or intuitive perception.
The magickal art of using tools and symbols to gather information from the Collective Unconsciousness. This can be on people, places, things and events past, present, and future.
Discovery of information by occult means
Receiving information from the spirits, or the Universe, often using physical objects such as tarot cards
a practice based on a belief that a diviner can use supernatural forces and information for his purpose.
The practice of predicting the future by such methods as examining the internal organs of animals or observing the stars.
Word sometimes used to refer to the acquiring of paranormal information, frequently (but not invariably) by the use of such various practices as tea-leaf reading, palmistry, scrying, the I Ching, Tarot cards and so on.
The act of predicting the future by reading potentials currently in motion. Divination can be done through scrying, meditation, astral projection, with cards, stones, et cetera. The most popular forms are tarot, runes, pendulums, scrying, and the controversial Ouija Board®.
Obtaining knowledge of the unknown or the future by contacting forces outside of nature usually spiritual in nature.
a prophecy, prediction or foretelling the future by the act or practicing the occult arts.
the art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency.
the art or act of foretelling future events using allegedly supernatural sources or powers
The magical art of discovering the unknown by interpreting random patterns or symbols through the use of tools such as clouds, tarot cards, flames, smoke. Divination contacts the Psychic Mind by tricking or drowsing the Conscious Mind through Ritual and observation or of manipulation of tools. Divination isn't necessary for those who can easily attain communication with the psychic mind, though they may practice it.
The use of magical tools and means to seek information on events, people and situations in the past, present and future.
The ability to foretell future events or to discover hidden information. Esbat - Witchcraft meeting held for transacting business or to accomplish an act of Satanic mischief.
using something to see future events
foretelling of the future by any of a variety of ways.
The interpretation of various signs or symbols in order to obtain a knowledge of future events.
The practice of trying to discern human intent, discover hidden knowledge or foretell the future by the use of intuition or psychic abilities.
Discovering the unknown with interpitation.
the discovery of unknown information through occult means
using consecrated and charged tools (such as tarot cards, crystal balls, etc.) to gain answers to questions.
The attempt to obtain information regarding the past, present or future though occultic abilites or methods. Methods of divination include astrology, channeling, crystal gazing, numerology, palmistry, runes, scrying and tarot cards.
The gift of "feeling" universal energies and being able to interpret their patterns into verbal explanations. Interpreting symbolic meanings held within a tarot card is also a form of divination.
prediction by supernatural means of future events; interpretation of past occurrences (includes interpretation of dreams, prophecy, auspices, augury).
discovering the unknown by observing and interpreting random patterns are symbols through such tools as clouds, tarot cards, flames, smoke, etc.
Various techniques used to foretell the future and for finding lost people and objects with the help of spirit beings and the collective conscious.
a method of learning that which is unknown.
The practice of foretelling future events through supernatural means, intuition, or prophecy.
Describes the way in which a practitioner of traditional religion determines how something in the future will take place.
A magickal method of exploration or inquiry into a situation via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, or scrying mirror.
The ability to obtain unknown knowledge or future events from omens. Astrology may be considered divination.
Seeing the future, involving any discipline - astrology, tarot cards, clairvoyance, numerology, channeling, or any other method.
magical method of exploration or inquiry into a situation via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, I- Ching, etc.
the practice of foretelling the future, or simply discerning answers to vital questions, through the observation of natural indicators or signs, or through some form of direct contact with natural and/or ancestral spirits. Traditional examples would include the examination of the entrails of a sacrificed animal, or the "reading" of the cracks on a heated tortoise shell. More contemporary examples would include the folk practice of swinging a weighted string over the womb of a pregnant woman (the path of the swing indicates the gender of the baby), or even the well-known "magic eight-ball."
(divining) : Alleged supernatural (a) foreseeing of events or (b) attainment of occult knowledge.
The art or practice that seeks to see or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge or information by means of intuitive powers, reading omens, and/or use of a tool or interpretation of external objects. Divination is a universal cultural phenomenon that anthropologists have observed as being present in every religion and culture throughout history to the present day.