Spots on a playing card, generally in the shape of its suit, used to denote its rank
1. The units that you move your checkers are called pips.. 2. The dot on the die.
In some decks, the pictures of the suit symbols of the Minor Arcana drawn to indicate the numerical value of the card. The five of cups shows a picture of five cups, while the six of swords shows a picture of six swords. Since the creation of the Rider-Waite deck, very few Tarot decks still show pips alone on the cards of the Minor Arcana, having replaced them with detailed illustrations. Pips are also called spots.
The minor arcana, or suit cards, in the deck. Contrast with: trumps, the major arcana.
The spots or marks on the face of a card.
Pips are small but easily countable items. It is used to describe the dots on dominoes, dice, denote suits, and is the name for the seeds of fruit. It could be used as a synonym for dot in most situations, for example morse code.