Environment developers and domain designers develop the seed for a DODE. It is called a seed to indicate that such an environment can never be complete but must grow through its use.- R: Evolutionary Growth, Reseeding, SER Model
Radioactive pellets, approximately the size of a grain of rice, used in brachytherapy.
The matured ovule of a Flowering Plant, containing usually one embryo, plus food reserves,surrounded by a seed coat.
Radioactive, pencil-lead sized pellets used in brachytherapy. For example, Palladium-103 + Iodine-I25 are commonly used for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Matured ovules, consist of an outer coat or wall, which is usually very tough, hard, or woody, within which are cotyledons and the embryo. Seeds normally have just one embryo, but sometimes have more than one, which results in two or more new plants growing from one seed. Seeds are developed as a result of the fertilization of the egg in the ovule of the ovary of a flower. Typically seeds are oval or globular and range in size. Seeds vary greatly in color, texture, longevity, and methods of dispersal. Some of the modifications of seeds which aid in dispersal are coverings of spines, hooks, bristles, cotton, or plumes, or having wings and arils. They also vary in the types and abundance of food they contain.
In a word, seeds are powerhouses--remember that they are the source of entire plants, even trees in some cases. That's a lot of energy in a little seed. They are great sources of protein and calcium, but because of their high oil content, seeds perish relatively quickly and keep best refrigerated. The most popular seeds in natural foods cooking include pumpkin seeds (pepitas), poppy seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.
These radioactive pellets or capsules are inserted in the perineum. They emit low energy radiation to kill surrounding tissue, including cancer cells.
Seeds is a cellular automaton in the same family as the Game of Life, initially investigated by Brian Silverman and named by Mirek Wójtowicz. It consists of infinite two-dimensional grid of cells, each of which may be in one of two states: on or off. Each cell is considered to have eight neighbors, as in Life.
SEEDS (The Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society) is a voluntary organisation registered under the Societies Act of India.