Definitions for "SOA"
(Service Oriented Architecture) A system for linking resources on demand. In an SOA, resources are made available to other participants in the network as independent services that are accessed in a standardized way. This provides for more flexible loose coupling of resources than in traditional systems architectures.
Service Order Activation
Service Order Administration
Summit of the Americas
School of the Americas
Subaru Of America
Start of authority, the meta information for the specified zone. Contains email information, a serial number, and the time to live values. The specific format is defined in RFC 2181.
standards-based layer of meta-data and processes designed to enable users to "ride above" the complex, incompatible systems that are hampering productivity. In essence, the infra enables stakeholders to collaborate and reap the benefits of a common SOA.
See semiconductor optical amplifier.
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier. laser diode without end mirrors coupled to the fibers on both ends. Light coming in either fiber is amplified by a single pass through the laser diode. An alternative to EDFAs.
Statement of accuracy. A statement of accuracy (SOA) is used to report the percentage of accurate addresses on a mailing list. Both urban and rural addresses are included in the calculation. The Canada Post address accuracy standard is 95%, meaning that 95% of the addresses on the database being evaluated are deliverable. This standard must be achieved, otherwise an adjustment is applied to the mail pieces with inaccurate addresses.
Statement of Attainment. Statement of Attainment is a record of recognised learning. Although falling short of an AQF qualification, it may contribute towards a qualification, either as partial completion of a course leading to a qualification, an attainment of competencies within a Training Package, or completion of a nationally recognised short course, which may accumulate towards a qualification through RPL processes.
Statement of Advice.
Savings Opportunity Assessment. A written report that Prenova provides as new rate/tariff opportunities arise. Prenova reviews the current supplier, the new supplier, evaluates the newly proposed rates/tariffs, and delineates the new annual spend and associated savings. Based on market conditions and the customerĂ¢â‚¬(tm)s risk profile, Prenova recommends contract terms. Prenova also provides a risk analysis in terms of making any change, including relevant risk mitigation actions.
Systems Outage Analysis
Keywords:  actuaries, society
Start of Authority Back
The Start Of Authority tells nameservers which nameserver is authoritative for the domain and contains information about how long to store information and other values which control how nameservers communicate about the domain.
State Oceanic Administration
smallest civil administrative unit, equivalent to a ward within a town or city.
2001 Census-based statistical reporting unit. The 'lower tier' SOAs have an average of 1500 residents
Special Operating Agency
special operations aviation
Short Option Advance. An advance in which the borrower grants the Bank one or more types of options to terminate, convert or otherwise restructure the terms of the advance, as well as advances in which the borrower agrees to the automatic termination, conversion, or restructuring of the terms of the advance based on interest rate levels or other similar criteria.
A software development model in which small, loosely connected applications are presented, utilized and combined over a network to communicate with other applications.