MiniDV is the leading digital format, it is smaller than a Digital8 camcorder, and the tape is very compact (about 1/12th of the size of the VHS tape). Its recording capability is up to two hours at 500 lines of resolution. It has the highest resolution and smallest dimensions of all consumer video recording formats.
Strictly for camcorders, MiniDV is the leading digital format. About the size of a matchbox, the tape is very compact and can record up to two hours at 500 lines of resolution. It has the highest resolution and smallest dimensions of all consumer video recording formats.
A 1/4-inch “evaporated metal†digital tape format officially introduced for sale in 1995. In 1994, more than 50 companies and various manufacturers agreed on the MiniDV format. Sony was the first to develop a MiniDV camcorder, one year later.
A digital video format endorsed by all the major video hardware vendors that employs relatively compact tape cassette. MiniDV is a popular format for so-called "prosumer" digital video equipment.
a video tape format which records with DV compression onto specially designed, small miniDV cassettes. MiniDV cameras are usually smaller than Digital 8 or disc-based equivalents.
miniDV is the most popular digital camcorder format at the moment. miniDV is a video cassette designed for use in miniDV digital camcorders. The picture quality of digital video (DV) recorded on a miniDV cassette is basically identical or better to the quality of DV recorded on a Hi8 or 8mm cassette by a Digital8 camcorder. miniDV can have up to 530 lines of video resolution for some camcorder models. However, miniDV tapes are smaller which allows for smaller camcorders. miniDV tapes are available in lengths of 30 and 60 minutes (plus, recording in LP mode lets you extend total recording time with a 60-minute tape to 90 minutes).
The miniature version of the DV format and is used in many consumer camcorders. Provides up to 90 minutes of high-quality, DV video footage.