The object class from which a subclass inherits properties, elements, and Apple events. See also object class, subclass.
A class A is a superclass of class B if A is on the same branch of the class hierarchy tree and A is higher on that branch.
A grouping of similar class definitions.
Or base class. A class which is the base (or parent) class for another class; a class from which another is derived, either directly or indirectly. The superclass provides state and behavior to the subclass which the subclass may modify by overriding selected methods.
A group not large enough to be a Phylum but too large to be a class.
(biology) a taxonomic class below a phylum and above a class
a class that is not a leaf class
a more general class than ours, e
a parent of another class within a generalization
The parent of a class. Every class has a single superclass immediately above it in the inheritance hierarchy, with the exception of those at the top of the hierarchy. In the supplied Class Library there is only one root class, Base, from which all other classes are descended.
A widget class from which another class is derived.
A class from which another class inherits behaviors and specifications (in other words, methods and variables). There are three types of messages: unary, binary, and keyword. Contrast with subclass.
Any parent class in an inheritance hierarchy is called a superclass. Superclasses are derived by a process of generalisation.
(UML) A class that contains attributes common to one or more child classes. See also subclass and generalization. subclass.php
The class from which a subclass derives all mandatory and optional attributes in addition to those specific to the class itself.
A larger class of which a specific class is a member. All members of a class are also members of the superclass.
A class from which a particular class is derived, perhaps with one or more classes in between. See also subclass, subtype.
The object class from which another object class is derived. For example, the object class person is the superclass of the object class organizationalPerson. The latter, namely, organizationalPerson, is a subclass of person and inherits the attributes contained in person.
The class from which variable and method are inherited. A superclass is higher in the class hierarchy than its subclass es.
See base class, abstract class.
A class whose members can be subdivided into additional groups based upon additional sets of specialized properties beyond those they all share. The superclass identifies the unique suite of properties that all members of the set possess. When subdivided, the subset groups are subclasses and they are related to the superclass via a subclassing relationship.
A class above one or more classes in a hierarchy. It passes attributes and behavior to the classes below it. It may not be used interchangeably with its subclasses. See subclass, narrowing conversion, and widening conversion.
In the Objective-C language, a class that's one step above another class in the inheritance hierarchy; the class through which a subclass inherits methods and instance variables.
In a generalization relationship the generalization of another class, the subclass. See: generalization. Contrast: subclass.
A superclass is exactly the opposite of a subclass. It can be an abstract class, or a class that includes implementation.
A class that is above another class in a hierarchy, giving its attributes and behavior to any classes that are below it.
A class extended by some other class. The superclass's public and protected methods and variables are available to the subclass. See extends.
class that is the ancestor of another class in a sequence of one or more generalisation relationships. In certain contexts, the word superclass will be used where immediate superclass might be more accurate.
A parent class of a concept. For example, mammal is a superclass of dog. See also hypernym and subclass relation.
In computer science, a superclass is a class from which other classes are derived. A superclass is also called a parent class or base class. The classes that are derived from a superclass are known as child classes, derived classes, or subclasses.
In database design and database theory, class organization is stratified into class hierarchies which use inheritance. Class hierarchies consist of superclasses and subclasses, in which each subclass has an isa relationship with its superclass. This is similar to the concept of specialization and generalization that can be expressed in an EE-R diagram or model.