Term born of the application of electronic technology to the graphic arts process. Hardcopy is information written, typed, copied or printed on paper as opposed to information in electronic, magnetic, punched paper tape, film or video display form. However, the finished printed document is not usually referred to as hardcopy but as a finished piece.
Output on a permanent medium such as paper, transparency, film or video, as opposed to temporary output to a computer screen.
the printout of a computer file or the typewritten copy submitted to a printer to be typeset.
(1) An enlarged reproduction from a microfilm usually on paper. (2) A printed copy of machine output in a readable form, for example, output form a computer printer.
Output produced by a printer.
Printed or plotted computer output in a visually readable form.
A printed or paper copy of a file
When an old-fashioned manuscript on paper is provided via a word processor or computer, it is called "hardcopy."
Material printed on paper, as opposed to information in microform or in digital (computerized) format.
Information printed on paper (as opposed to displayed on a computer screen)
Hardcopy means printed output. Emacs has commands for making printed listings of text in Emacs buffers. Section 31.18. HELP HELP is the Emacs name for C-h or F1. You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does. Chapter 10.
A printout, either low or high-resolution, accurately representing the electronic file. (A printer cannot be held liable for quality of high-resolution output if hardcopy is not provided with the disks.)
Hardcopy means printed output. Emacs has commands for making printed listings of text in Emacs buffers. See section ¥Ï¡1/4¥É¥³¥Ô¡1/41/2ÐÎÏ. HELP You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does. HELP is really Control-h. See section ¥Ø¥ë¥×µ¡Ç1/2.
Printed material (usually bound) as opposed to a digital (computerized) format.
1. n. A permanent copy of a display image generated on an output device such as a printer or plotter, and which can be carried away. 2. n. A printed copy of machine output in a visually readable form; for example, printed reports, listings, documents, and summaries.
Another name for camera ready. Black and white original copy that is ready to be processed for printing. No additional work necessary.[go to top
Hardcopy means printed output. Emacs has commands for making printed listings of text in Emacs buffers. See section AC.18 Hardcopy Output. HELP
Printed material, as opposed to information in microform or digital (computerised) format.
Printed information. Contrast with online information.
a computer generated printed copy.
Printed output on paper, film, or other permanent medium. Compare soft copy ተጨባጠእትሠView
Output in a permanent form (usually a printout) rather than in temporary form, as on disk or display terminal.
The printed form of a document vs. the electronic copy that is stored in a computer or on disk.
A printed copy of machine output in a visually readable form, such as printed reports, listing, documents, and summaries. Contrast with softcopy.
Hardcopy means printed output. Emacs has commands for making printed listings of text in Emacs buffers. See Hardcopy. HELP You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does. The character HELP is really C-h. See Help.
The paper version of a printed project; usually a copy from a desktop printer, photocopy etc.