Artwork that has all type, line-art and graphics in place, and is ready to be photographed is said to be camera ready.
Completely finished mechanical (or imagesetter output) ready to be burned onto a plate. In other words, no further pre-press work needed, so it is ready for reproduction.
Type and artwork that has been pasted into position to be photographed for plate ready film.
Artwork that is properly prepared and ready to be photographed for platemaking is camera ready. Traditional prepress consisted of boards or mats with all elements in place. Today, laser or inkjet printouts may serve as camera-ready art.
Refers to final artwork that is ready for reproduction.
Reflective artwork that needs to be shot with a copy camera to transfer to negative film.
Crisp black & white artwork that will be shot by a camera and reproduced onto printing plates to be used on a press.
Finished art or printed matter that is ready as-is to be published. Also referred to as a complete velox, complete art, or glossy.
Artwork that is completed and ready for photographic/digital conversion to film/plates for commercial printing.
The stage in printing when the document is ready to be photographed to make plates for the press. All elements of the document are in their final position, and the document has received its final proofing.
An ad, art, copy text or graphic ready for inclusion in publications.
Material ready to be photographed to create a printing plate.
Copy or electronic files which are ready for reproduction
Ready to be changes necessary
Copy that is complete and ready to be photographed.
A copy or artwork that is all set for printing
A final edition of artwork, document or graphic that is of suitable quality for mass reproduction.
Artwork or advertising copy ready for the camera, that is, ready for the printer to prepare printing plates directly from the artwork.
desktop publishing documents that are ready for the printer.
Copy or art which is ready for photography in the plate making process.
An outdated term meaning artwork that doesn't need further alterations by the printer. The artwork was then used to make the printing plates via a photographic process, hence the term camera ready.
To mount and prepare artwork for shooting or reproduction.
artwork or pasted up material that is ready for reproduction.
Any ad element, or complete ad, that is sent to the newspaper ready to scan and use.
Finished artwork that is ready, without further artwork preparation, to be photographed.
Copy and/or artwork, which are ready for the graphic arts camera.
A term given to any copy, artwork etc., that is prepared for photographic reproduction.
Artwork or copy ready for photographic reproduction.
Artwork printed in hardcopy form, which can be photographed to produce negatives or plates for printing.
Mechanicals, photographs and art work fully prepared to be photographed for plate making.
Any artwork, paste-up or copy in a DTP form ready for reproduction
A camera ready hard copy is a printed copy of a document/graphic that requires no additional work to be done to it before the copies are to be made. It is commonly used in situations where separate documents will be compiled into a single compilation, such as compiling technical publications into a conference handout.