Definitions for "Hospitals"
A matchcover category showing or advertising a hospital, medical center, clinic, etc. Doctors may be included in this category.
Revenues generated by a hospital operated by the postsecondary institution. Includes gifts, grants, appropriations, research revenues, endowment income, and revenues of health clinics that are part of the hospital unless such clinics are part of the student health services program. Sales and service revenues are included net of patient contractual allowances. Revenues associated with the medical school are included elsewhere. Also includes all amounts appropriated by governments (federal, state, local) for the operation of hospitals.
Community based acute care hospitals provide short-term inpatient health care to residents of PA.
Includes all hospital facilities such as community hospitals, general hospitals, group practice hospitals, packaged hospitals, private hospitals, public hospitals, satellite hospitals, rural hospitals, special hospitals, teaching hospitals, and urban hospitals.
Keywords:  senior, independent, housing
Independent Senior Housing