a curious phrase for me - and I envision you smelling, sensing, touching, feeling, hearing, even tasting - the smells, sense of being, foods, people - to see whether you can really 'see' them - both in your eyes, but also through their own - i hope
A feeling of attachment and belonging to a particular place or environment having a special character and familiarity. Shared Parking: Parking area that is utilized by more than one business, development or property to minimize parking surfaces in an area. Shared parking works best when the various users have customers with parking needs at different times of the day.
The aesthetic, nostalgic, or spiritual effects of physical locations on humans based on personal, use-oriented or attachment-oriented relationships between individuals and those locations. The meaning, values, and feelings that people associate with physical locations because of their experiences there.
A consciousness of one's physical surroundings or collective awareness of place expressed in cultural forms. Sense of place is generally associated with one's neighborhood, community, city or region.
Sense of place is a characteristic that some geographic places have and some do not. It is often defined as those characteristics that make a place special or unique, as well as those that foster a sense of authentic human attachment and belonging.