this subgroup or the process in a government agency whose aim is to protect and watch against mismanagement, waste, fraud, criminality, and other types of abuses.
A management process for keeping an entity (agency, board, commission, department, division, institution, or program) on course in achieving its organizational objectives. A management control system, including comprehensive internal controls, should provide reasonable assurance that entity objectives are being met.
The plan to safeguard assets, ensure the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, and to maintain adherence to policies and procedure.
an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency orassure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
a process designed to provide reasonable assurance that the University's objectives will be achieved
Measures used by a company to safeguard company assets by preventing errors, waste, embezzlement, and fraud.
the management framework and interrelated systems, processes and practices adopted by management for achieving objectives. 2.2.1
As defined in the Cadbury Report, it is the whole system of controls, financial or otherwise, established in order to provide reasonable assurance of(a) effective and efficient operation(b) internal financial control(c) compliance with laws and regulations.
A coordinated system of procedures and techniques designed to safeguard a company’s assets, to ensure the accuracy of its accounting records, and to promote efficiency and adherence to prescribed policies.
"The policies, procedures, practices and organizational structures, designed to provide reasonable assurance that business objectives will be achieved and that undesired events will be prevented or detected and corrected." (Source: COBIT Framework).
Policies and procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance that specific entity objectives will be achieved. It consists of: the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communications, and monitoring.
A clear definition and separation of duties for various employees or groups within a company. The intent of separating the duties is to protect against fraud. Proper internal controls help to assure the accuracy of reports to management.
Measures and methods employed within an organization to safeguard cash, inventories and other assets, as well as to maintain the accuracy and proper functioning of the accounting system.
An internal control is a financial or other form of management control that helps provide a business with more effective, efficient operation, or to enable the business to comply with laws and regulations. Many internal controls are concerned with the application of authority and approval levels (for example, who can authorise purchases or make payments). Others are concerned with the complete and accurate maintenance of business records. The system of internal controls is usually monitored by the internal audit function (if one exists) and is reviewed by the auditors of a business as part of their audit of the financial statements.
an action taken by management to enhance the likelihood that established objectives and goals will be achieved
is a process within an organization designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of the following primary objectives: The reliability and integrity of information Compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulations The safeguarding of assets The economical and efficient use of resources The accomplishment of established objectives and goals for operations or programs (300.05)
The method of safeguarding business assets, including verifying the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promoting operational efficiency, and encouraging adherence to prescribed organizational policies and procedures.
A plan of organization for purchasing, accounting, and other financial activities which, among other things, provides that:· the duties of employees are subdivided so that no single employee handles a financial action from beginning to end;· proper authorizations from specific responsible officials are obtained before key steps in the processing of a transaction are completed; and· records and procedures are arranged appropriately to facilitate effective control.
Process, effected by management and other personnel of an entity, to provide reasonable assurance regarding achievement of objectives in the following categories: effectiveness and efficiency of operations; reliability of financial reporting; and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding achievement of various management objectives such as the reliability of financial reports.
An organization's procedures that are designed to increase its efficiency, ensure its policies are implemented, and its assets are safeguarded.
Policies and procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance that a company's objectives will be achieved. It consists of control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communications and monitoring. (That which you need to exercise to avoid kicking the idiot in front of you who desperately deserves it.)
The organization and methods within a Federal agency which guard against fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of resources.
The method and procres adopted within a business to safeguard assets and control its operations.