is a form of quality assurance based on periodic internal audits and clear individual RCA accountability for safety outcomes. A safety management system documents all standards, practices and procedures to promote and maintain safety, and the responsibilities of staff for implementing these standards, practices and procedures. A safety management system would cover the planning, design and construction of new works and the operation and maintenance of the existing network. Specifically, safety management systems will: Set out traffic management and road engineering standards, guidelines and manuals, codes of practice, and the expertise and procedures for providing a safe road network. Provide for regular internal audits by approved persons to ensure compliance with the safety management system. Set out the management structure responsible for implementing and maintaining the safety management system. Include a road safety strategy to identify safety problems and recommend solutions. The process for a Safety Management System is displayed in Appendix 7.
The systematic way in which an organization approaches safety; typically, it includes strategies detailing how this will be achieved; the role of all individuals in respect to safety; the method used to measure and record the level of safety in the organization; the tools available to monitor on-going safety levels and safety issues; and the procedures implemented and lessons disseminated as a result of the previous two stages.
a businesslike approach to safety
a businesslike approach to safe-ty
a comprehensive documented management tool which workplaces develop to better manage workplace hazards and ensure high standards of safety and health for their workers
a documented system of policies, procedures and records that focuses on the management of risk (both identification and controls) in relation to operational and passenger safety
a set of internal rules designed to ensure that industrial risks related to the operation of facilities are managed carefully and over the long term
a set of organisational processes that together provide a systematic approach to maintaining safety
a systematic, explicit and comprehensive process for managing safety risks
A systematic process that has the goal of reducing the number and severity of transportation related accidents by ensuring that all opportunities to improve safety are identified, considered and implemented as appropriate.
Management of Safety in order to promote a strong Safety Culture and achieve high standards of safety performance.