Rock composed mainly of sand-sized particles or fragments of the mineral quartz.
A sedimentary rock consisting of grains of sand, usually quartz, cemented by some substance such as silica, iron oxide, calcite, etc.
A sedimentary rock made up of sand-sized particles, typically quartz.
A sedimentary rock made up of sand grains. These can be made of any material but commonly are dominantly quartz-rich.
This is a sedimentary rock. The sandstone in the Knockan Crag area is known as Torridonian sandstones, named after the village of Torridon south of Ullapool, which is surrounded by mountains formed from this red rock. They are about 1000 million years old. Their red colour tells us that the rock was deposited on land not under the sea, as the iron minerals in the rock have ‘rusted’. They were deposited on top of the Lewisian gneiss by huge rivers which flowed across the landscape. At the time when these rocks were being deposited the land that we now call Scotland was near the South Pole.
a sedimentary rock made up of small pieces of rock, usually silicates such as quartz, that have been cemented together over time. Sandstone serves as the caprock on top of the limestone layer Mammoth Cave was formed in.
Any stone that is made of cemented grains of sand; sometimes used for groundstone tools and hearth rock.
a clastic rock composed mainly of fragments between 0.0025 inches (1/16 mm) and 0.08 inches (2 mm) in diameter, more or less firmly bonded by some cementing material.
A sedimentary rock composed of individual grains of sand that are cemented together by silica, calcium carbonate, iron oxide and so forth. Sandstone is a common rock in which petroleum and water accumulate.
clastic rock composed of particles that range in diameter from 1/16 millimeter to 2 millimeters in diameter. Sandstones make up about 25% of all sedimentary rocks.
A sedimentary rock composed mostly of sand-size particles, usually cemented by calcite, silica, or iron oxide.
A sedimentary rock composed predominantly of sand-sized quartz grains.
A sedimentary rock consisting of sand consolidated with some cement (clay or quartz).
a soil composed of grains of sand that varies in fertility and drainage.
Sedimentary rock composed of at least 50% rounded grains measuring 1/16 mm to 2 mm in diameter.
Subject: rock A clastic sedimentary rock consisting of sand grains (often made of quartz), bounded together by silica, iron oxide, or calcite. [ Pics List
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of quartz grains cemented together. It is used as a building stone.
A sedimentary rock that forms when quartz-rich sand along a coast or river or in a desert is buried under layers of more sand and other sediments.
a sedimentary rock consisting predominantly of quartz grains between 2 mm and 1/16 mm in size which have been more or less cemented together by silica, iron oxides (limonite, hematite), calcite, and/or clay.
A sedimentary rock, composed mostly of quartz grains, with grains being sub-rounded to rounded and from 1/16mm to 2mm in diameter.
A sedimentary rock composed mostly of sand size grains.
a sedimentary rock consisting of rock and mineral particles ranging in size from 1/16 to 2 mm in diameter.
n: a sedimentary rock composed of individual mineral grains of rock fragments between 0.06 and 2 millimeters (0.002 and 0.079 inches) in diameter and cemented together by silica, calcite, iron oxide, and so forth.
sedimentary rock containing dominantly sand sized particles.
A medium-grained sedimentary rock composed of abundant rounded or angular fragments of sand size set in a fine-grained matrix (silt or clay) and more or less firmly united by a cementing material (commonly silica, iron oxide, or calcium carbonate); the consolidated equivalent of sand, intermediate in texture between conglomerate and shale. The sand particles usually consist of quartz, and the term sandstone, when used without qualification, indicates a rock containing about 85-90% quartz (Krynine, 1940). The rock varies in color, may be deposited by water or wind, and contains numerous primary features (sedimentary structures and fossils). Sandstones may be classified according to composition of particles, mineralogic or textural maturity, fluidity index, diastrophism, primary structures, and type of cement (Klein, 1963). (b) A field term for any clastic rock containing individual particles that are visible to the unaided eye or slightly larger.
a sedimentary rock composed of grains of sand set in a matrix of clay or silt.
A sedimentary rock composed of sand, and with only a small amount of other material, which has been consolidated by argillaceous or calcareous bonding of grains.
hardness and colour vary: may fracture or be too hard to carve easily, depending on the amount of quartz contained
A clastic sedimentary rock composed of sand sized grains set in a matrix of silt or clay, and firmly united by a cementing agent (silica, iron oxide, or calcium carbonate)
The consolidated equivalent of sand. (See particle-size classification).
A sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized grains (between 1/16 and 2 mm in diameter), held together by mineral cement.
A medium-grained sedimentary rock composed primarily of fragments of sand and silt or clay. Sandstone may vary in colour and may be deposited by water or wind.
Sandstones usually can be identified by their coarse, granular, sandy texture. They are sedimentary rocks that consist of consolidated sand grains (mainly quartz and feldspar) cemented together with a variety of minerals (silicates, iron oxides, limonite, calcite and clays). These cementing materials make one sandstone behave very differently from another. Sandstones containing silica are quite hard, strong and decay resistant, whereas those containing calcite resemble limestone in their susceptibility to acid damage, and those containing clay absorb water and deteriorate more easily. Because they have a granular texture throughout, sandstone surfaces stay matte even when worked. Most sandstones have a tendency to absorb moisture and do not withstand frost action well, so they should not be used as foundation stones and should be protected from excessive moisture.
Rock. A sedimentary rock composed of sand grains cemented together by other minerals.
A compacted sedimentary rock composed of detrital grains of sand, mostly quartz. If the void spaces between the grains are open and free of other minerals, it may become a reservoir for oil or gas.
A fine to very coarse grained arenaceous sedimentary rock consisting of silicate group minerals e.g. Sand.
The consolidated equivalent of sand, usually cemented by silica, iron oxide or calcium carbonate.
sedimentary rock composed of sand grains, compacted and weakly cemented by a small quantity of lime.
A sedimentary rock composed of sand grains glued together by silica or calcium carbonate.
sedimentary rock composed of sand sized minerals (quartz and feldspar) and grains cemented together.
a sedimentary rock, comprising of feldspar and quartz particles.
Sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized grains naturally cemented by mineral material. In most sandstone used for building and gravestones, quartz grains predominate.
Consolidated sedimentary rock made of very small particles usually cemented by Quartz.
Sedimentary rock type formed of lithified sand grains bound together by a mud matrix and/or a mineral cement.
a sedimentary rock made up mostly of sand-sized grains
A clastic rock consisting of sand consolidated with some type of cement (silica, calcite, chlorite).
a compacted sedimentary rock composed mainly of quartz or feldspar; a common rock in which oil, natural gas and/or water accumulate
A cemented or compacted rock composed predominantly of quartz grains.
rock formed from grains of sand
A sedimentary rock consisting of discrete, sand-sized (.06 -2mm) grains held together by a cement. Commonly the grains are made up of quartz. (Image)
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock made of compacted sand, cemented with calcium, silicone of ferrous minerals. It varies in color based on the presence of other minerals. Sandstone is soft and easy to quarry and shape. Example: Las Vegas Sandstone
Sandstone - A medium-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized fragments 1/16 to 2 millimeters in diameter that are more or less firmly united by a natural cement.
a sedimentary rock consisting usually of quartz, cemented with silica, iron oxide or calcium carbonate, Sandstone is durable, has a very high crushing and tensile strength and a wide range of colours and textures. Varieties of sandstone are commonly designated by the kind and prominence of interstitial and bonding material, as siliceous sandstone (bonding material primarily silica), calcareous sandstone (calcium carbonate prominent as bonding material or as accessory grains or both), sandstone (clay minerals prominent as interstitial or bonding materials, or as thin laminac ferruginous sandstone (iron oxide or hydroxide minerals (hematite,, limonite, et al) as interstitial or as boding materials in sufficient amount to impart appreciable colour of stone); brownstone (ferruginous sandstone of dark brown or reddish brown colour), arkose, arkosic sandstone, or feldspatic sandstone (a sandstone that contains an abundance of grains of feldspar), conglomerate a sandstone composed in large part of rounded pebbles, also called puddingstone). [Go to source
a sedimentary rock composed chiefly of quartz grains
a sedimentary rock composed of sands. This rock is erode relatively easily.
A rock consisting mostly of sand-sized quartz sediments (i.e., from a beach) that have been cemented together.
sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized particles.
A sedimentary rock which is generally composed essentially of sand-sized quartz grains.
Sedimentary rock made of sand particles that have been cemented together over many, many years.
Coarse-grained sedimentary rock consisting almost entirely of quartz.
Sedimentary rock made of sand-size (0.06-2 mm) particles, usually of the mineral quartz, but other minerals or rock fragments may also be present.
a sedimentary rock consisting usually of quartz, cemented with silica, iron oxide, or calcium carbonate. Sandstone is durable, has a high crushing and tensile strength and a wide range of colors and textures. This material is in high abundance in India.
the rock formed by the consolidation of sand, the grains being held together by a cement of silica, iron and other mineral salts; Type of salts, and number of wet/dry cycles, determines the colour and hardness of the deposit..
a sedimentary rock consisting of usually quartz sand united by some cement (such as silica or calcium carbonate)
Stone composed primarily of quartz grains in a matrix with silica, iron or other oxides, and calcium carbonate.
a sedimentary rock whose main constituent is cemented sand grains.
a sedimentary rock composed of grains of minerals of a common size; composition is not implied, in a quartz sandstone the grains are quartz
sedimentary rock consisting of grains of sand (usually quartz) cemented to a greater or lesser extent.
Sedimentary rock composed for sand-size grains naturally cemented by mineral material.
A sedimentary rock consisting of grains of sand cemented together.
Cemented sand. When used without a qualifier, generally contains about 90% quartz.
Sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized clasts.
a sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation and compaction of sand and held together by a natural cement such as silica - BACK
clastic rock mainly composed of quartz and feldspars grains; cement can be siliceous, argillaceous or calcareous. Grains size ranges from 0.05 mm to 2 mm.
A sedimentary rock consisting of quartz sand united by some cementing material, such as iron oxide or calcium carbonate.
Formed by compacting sediments along old riverbeds or beaches. Sandstone lacks the calcium "cement" found in limestone, and thus does not dissolve to form multi-mile long caves. Instead, it erodes away, usually slumping down a mountain side forming traversable "cracks" no more than a few hundred feet long. See sandstone cave.
a sedimentary rock composed predominantly of sand sized grains, usually quartz.
Sandstone is a common type of grainy sedimentary rock that is made mostly of sand-sized grains (usually quartz) that are held together by silica, calcium carbonate, clay, or iron oxide.
A clastic sedimentary rock composed of fragments of sand, set in a fine-grained matrix of silt or clay
A sedimentary rock made of layers of compressed and cemented sand grains.
a sedimentary rock made predominantly of visible grains up to about 2 millimetres in diameter, typically composed mostly of quartz.
A stone composed of grains of sand, united with other mineral substances, cemented together by a material of an argillaceous, calcareous or siliceous nature. Also known as arenite.
A sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of mineral fragments.
A clastic rock composed of sand-sized grains, i.e. between 0.625 and 2mm. The term usually implies a quartz rich composition, although this is not strictly necessary.
Sedimentary rock, used most often as decorative facing, which is quartz particles adhered together with silica, iron oxide and calcium carbonate.
Just as the name implies, sandstone is a sedimentary stone made of sand that has been fused with some cementing element like clay or quartz.
a sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation of sand and held together by a natural cement such as silica or iron oxide. [AHDOS
A sedimentary rock formed from sand.
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-size mineral or rock grains. Most sandstone is composed of quartz and/or feldspar because these are the most common minerals in the earth's crust. Like sand, sandstone may be any color, but the most common colors are tan, brown, yellow, red, gray and white.