Orig., a member of the "Boy Scouts," an organization of boys founded in 1908, by Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, to promote good citizenship by creating in them a spirit of civic duty and of usefulness to others, by stimulating their interest in wholesome mental, moral, industrial, and physical activities, etc. Hence, a member of any of the other similar organizations, which are now worldwide. In "The Boy Scouts of America" the local councils are generally under a scout commissioner, under whose supervision are scout masters, each in charge of a troop of two or more patrols of eight scouts each, who are of three classes, tenderfoot, second-class scout, and first-class scout.
A Boy Scout is between the ages of 11 and 18 and belongs to a Troop. He advances through these ranks: Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, then Eagle.
A registered male member of a nationally recognized Scout Program. In America, he is a registered member, who is 11 or has earned the Arrow of Light Award, or has completed the fifth grade, but not yet eighteen years of age. Also see SCOUT.