Lower your Experience Modification factor for the previous and current years.
Your experience modification is a ratio that compares your companies losses to
the industry average. If your experience mod is high, you should get it reduced.
The lower your Experience Mods, the lower your premiums will be. The lower
your overall costs will be.
Don’t just accept your experience mod number in your policy, review it to
see if there are overcharges.
Check your workers compensation experience modification records for the
current year and up to six years prior and keep future savings.
To obtain the maximum refund, hire a firm to recover overpaid workers comp
premiums. Only pay if you get money back. No Recover, No Fee.
Find and recover premium overcharges in workers comp policies, current and
Premium Review Firm who lower employers Workers Compensation insurance
premiums without changing agents, brokers or carriers.
We find & recover Workers Comp insurance premium overcharges for employers
in current and past policies. We do not sell insurance.
Independent Review Company specializing in recovering previous workers
compensation overcharges and reducing current premium costs.
Workers compensation premium recovery audits will help you review, recover
and refund overpaid Insurance premiums.
Analyze actual audits for premium overcharges. By reviewing your past and
current loss records, premiums, workers compensation class codes and your
experience modifications.
Recover Premium Overpayments Up To Six Years Prior and reduced your workers
compensation annual insurance costs.
Workers Compensation insurance review, Workers compensation premium audit,
Workers compensation overcharges, Workers compensation refunds, workers comp
refunds, workers compensation audits, workers comp audits, workers compensation
premium recovery, workers comp premium recovery
suspect your experience modification factor is high and want to recover overpaid
premiums or reduce your workers compensation costs, get your current and prior 6
years policies reviewed for overcharges.