The final layer of stucco (job-site mixed or pre-manufactured) applied over basecoats or direct to concrete, comprised of either cementitious or acrylic materials.
When painting, a top or final coat.
The top layer of plaster if the plaster is applied in more than one coat.
The last coat applied in plastering intended as a base for further decorating or as a final decorative surface. Finish coat usually consists of calcified gypsum, lime and sometimes an aggregate. Some may require the addition of lime or sand on the job. The three basic methods of applying it are trowel, flat and spray.
The topcoat or exposed prime side paint film.
The final coat of mortar or plaster in a stucco finish. (See also Stucco.) Home Improvement Encyclopedia
Last coat of paint or other finish.
The final coat of and surface covering such as paint, plaster, etc.