an outside program that is, for lack of a better term, a game hacker, and can be used to change stats for guests and such, like giving everyone a balloon
a program that lets you turn
a program written to intercep
a program written to intercept and alter the memory addresses
a simple program that does the hack without T-search
a small program created by an outside source, and is designed to work in conjunction with the game
a small program that runs alongside a game, allowing you to "cheat" by altering certain values, for instance, money
a third party program that alters the memory locations, in effect allo
a third-party program that is designed to alter memory locations of running programs (games)
a cheat system hacked into a ROM
A small, executable program which sits in your taskbar while you play a game. Hotkeys are associated with cheat commands so that when they are pressed you are given extra ammo, weapons, lives or the ability to toggle between invincible/mortal modes etc etc.