Going through a bill, usually in subcommittee, section by section, revising language, amending sections, etc. If the bill is extensively revised, the new version may be introduced as a separate bill, with or without a new number (Clean Bill). Member - A Senator or Representative.
Going through the contents of a piece of legislation in committee or subcommittee to consider its provisions and proposed revisions to the language, and insert new sections and phraseology. If the bill is extensively amended, the committee’s version may be introduced as a separate bill, with a new number, before being considered by the full House or Senate. ( See Clean Bill.) back to top of L, M, N glossary Markup: The process by which congressional committees and subcommittees debate, amend, and rewrite proposed legislation. Measure: Term embracing bill, resolution and other matters on which the Senate takes action
Going through a measure, usually in committee, taking it section by section, revising language and penciling in new phrases. If the bill is extensively revised, the new version may be introduced as a separate or "clean" bill, with a new number.