That which has been engrossed, as an instrument, legislative bill, goods, etc.
(Eng.) After passage by both branches the Bill is passedto be engrossed. Engrossment is the procedure whereby the Bill is typed in simulated script on special paper in the Engrossing Division.The engrossed Bill is voted upon for enactment. (Seealso Enactment)
The incorporation of amendments into a bill before it is sent to the second house.
The incorporation of amendments into a bill (or joint resolution) when a bill passes the house of origin and is sent to the second house. If not amended, the introduced version of the bill becomes the engrossed bill.
the process of preparing a bill for Final Reading by incorporating all adopted amendments.
When a bill is amended, the printed form of the bill is proofread by staff to assure that the amendments are inserted properly. After being proofread, the bill is "correctly engrossed" and is thereupon deemed to be in proper form.
The final preparation of the bill in its final form. The term literally means to write or transcribe in a large clear, hand; however, "engrossment" in modern times is accomplished by retyping the measure or reproducing it by some other mechanical means.
The drafting of a resolution or bill in the legislature just prior to the final vote.
The process of comparing the printed bill to ensure it looks like the original and to verify that amendments have been correctly inserted.
the current text of a bill or resolution which includes or incorporates all adopted amendments to the title and/or text.
Putting the bill in final form, including all amendments and all appropriate technical corrections, for third reading in the House or Senate.
The act of perfecting an item of legislation in accordance with any amendments which have been adopted to it since its origin.