an individual or an organization authorized in writing by the SAH to partner with an SAH to share responsibility for sponsoring refugees
A cosponsor is a member who adds his/her name as a supporter of another member’s bill.
When a member of the House or Senate supports a pending bill, but is not the primary sponsor, they sign their name onto the bill as a cosponsor to illustrate their support.
Member who joins in sponsoring legislation but who is not the principal sponsor or the one who introduced the measure.
A senator or representative who joins in sponsoring a piece of legislation but is not the one who introduced the legislation. A large number of cosponsors increases a bill's chance for consideration.
Several members may sponsor any one bill. Sponsors other than the primary sponsor (the member whose name appears first on a bill) are referred to as cosponsors.
A member of Congress who has joined one or more other members in the same chamber to sponsor a measure introduced in that chamber.