The stage at which bills and other proposals come up for final discussion and possible passage. No amendments may be offered at this point.
After a vote of approval for the Bill's second reading it is sent to theBills in Third Reading Committee to be reviewed. This Committee checks the contents of the Bill for legal technicalities and proper citations.After the Bill is released by the Bills in Third Reading Committee it isread for the third and final time in Chamber whereit may again be debated and Amended. (See also First Reading and Second Reading)
Usually is ordered on the next legislative day following Second Reading. Amendments may be offered only prior to the reading of the bill. Catch title and the enacting clause are read, and roll call is taken for final passage.
Each bill introduced must be read three times before final passage. The stage at which bills are eligible for Floor debate and final vote.
The final stage of a Bill's progress in a House of Parliament before it is passed. Uu
As in First or Second Readings, a recitation of a measure's number, title, and sponsor (in the House, just the measure number and title are read) by the reading clerk on the floor before consideration by either house, usually done before a final vote.
is the final vote on a bill, signifying the Senate's aceptance or rejection of it (as amended, if applicable).
The measure is "read at length" before a final vote is taken.
Three of three times a bill must be read before it is passed. Bills are passed on its third reading and can also be defeated on its third reading. If a bill is passed, it is then sent to the House for its consideration.
A stage of the legislative process when the House or Senate have completed floor debate and amendment and are ready to vote on final passage. The bill, as amended, is rarely read aloud at this point. Its official short title is read aloud instead. In the Senate, a Senator on rare occasions may demand a full reading for purposes of delay.
Each bill introduced must be read three times before final passage. Third reading occurs when the measure is about to be taken up on the floor of either house for final passage.
the final reporting of a bill to the body before its final passage. No amendments, except amendments to the title, may be offered after the third reading unless unanimous consent is granted.
When the Clerk of the Parliament formally reads aloud the short title of a Bill introduced into the Legislative Assembly if, after the Bill is reported to the Assembly at the end of the committee stage of the Bill, the Assembly agrees to the motion that the Bill be read a third time. (For more detail about the third reading, and the stages of the passage of a Bill generally, see The Queensland Parliamentary Procedures Handbook.)
Each bill must be read on the rostrum three times before final passage. In Washington, the third reading takes place when a bill is up for final passage.