a nationwide, leading provider of pharmaceuticals, services and information to persons diagnosed with mental illness and other chronic health disorders
The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions.
a site selection category of economic development data that locations use to promote or inform prospects of what they have to offer. The category may show up as medical, health care or hospitals. Look for healthcare as a a sub-category under quality of life, which is an element of site selection. list of elements of site selection list of elements of location selection What are the categories of economic development data
directive A legal document that allows the Testator to set out written wishes for medical care—and to name a person to make sure those wishes are carried out. A healthcare directive may also be called a living will, advance directive or directive to physicians.
agent - The person named in an advance directive or as permitted under state law to make healthcare decisions on behalf of a person who is no longer able to make medical decisions.
First Aid & Other Health Products – including plasters/bandages, personal insect repellents, etc. Packaged Medications – including all formats. Vitamins & Dietary Supplements – including capsules, tablets, liquids, tonics, etc.
Collective concept for corporate activities in the area of medical care. This market is becoming increasingly important for Linde, especially due to the growing application of medical gases.
a national leader in disease management programs," said Tracey Moorhead, Executive Director of the Disease Management Association of America at a ceremony announcing the award held last night in San Diego