Definitions for "Measures"
conversion factors from metric units to U.S. units are provided below.
all volume, weight and area measure are stated in terms of metric measure: 1 ounce (weight) is equal to 28.349 grams (g) 1 ounce (fluid) is equal to 28.413 milliliters (ml) 1 imperial gallon is equal to 4.55 liters (L) 1 liter water weighs 1 kilogram (Kg) 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2 lb. 100 sq. m. is equal to 1076 sq. ft. 100 cu. m is equal to 3500 sq. ft.
Methodologies applied to derive and calculate indicators. Examples: 1. Adult consumer performs paid work for at least 20 hours per week. 2. SED child attends at least 90% of regularly scheduled school days.
These are cumulative stays that are incremented at midnight: (a) Unoccupied bed equivalent days per period (b) Occupied bed equivalent days per period (c) Resourced bed equivalent days per period. Percentage occupancy = (occupied bed days per period / resourced bed days per period) x 100. Turnover rate = (admissions / number of days in period) / resourced bed days per period. Turnover interval = unoccupied bed days per period / (admissions x number of days in period). Five-day wards need to be handled carefully. They have five resourced bed days per week but only four bed-equivalent days, as they are counted at midnight. The denominator used should be four resourced bed days rather than five; otherwise 100 percent occupancy would not be possible.
Keywords:  ghg, youth, custody, taken, conjunction
Actions that can be taken by a government or a group of governments, often in conjunction with the private sector, to accelerate the use of technologies or other practices that reduce GHG emissions.
Actions that are taken to hold youth accountable for crime. They range from a warning to time in custody.
A decision by Cabinet or the Prime Minister that has been finalised in the context of the 2006-07 Budget and has resulted in a change in expenditure from 2006-07 onwards.
specific feature(s) used to quantify an indicator, as specified in a sampling protocol. For example, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductivity are all measures of water chemistry.
a necessary starting point for any serious negotiation