Definitions for "Reeds"
Related Topics: [ wetlands] [ reeds] Reeds are often tall and are found in a wide variety of wetland habitats. The easiest way to tell them from grasses or sedges is by taking a quick look at the shape of their stems and flowers. If you break a reed, you'll notice that its stem is both round and hollow - somewhat like a soda straw. If you look at the flowers, you'll notice that they're also very distinctive: each one bears six tiny petal-like structures - neither grasses nor sedges will bear flowers which look like that.
One of the biggest mistakes that new students make is using a reed that is too strong. We recommend beginning on a #2(or soft) reed and as your embouchure strengthens, your buildup will advance upward into a #2 1/2(medium soft) and further. When you use a reed that is too strong, you defeat the purpose of an easy blowing instrument by having to exert too much effort.
Generic term in musical Jargon for reed instrumentals, including the saxophone. See Brass 2.
a game that involves running in a straight-line between two lines of stanchions with a detachable portion, and knocking as many tops off as possible. This is a timed event.