Definitions for "Snark "
sn ide rem ark, often emitted by columnists, pundits and opinion makers when looking to score cheap points against an absent party. Also a boat, a thing hunted, and a primitive cruise missile. TBV is never snarky, and calls up others when they are. Uh huh.
The eponymous snark in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark is a fictional animal, the quarry for a hunting party comprising some highly unlikely characters.
Keywords:  tunnel, plugin, proxy, chaining, mode
Snark is a so-called "attack proxy" that makes it possible for users to monitor and edit HTTP requests and responses. It can be configured to act as a Web proxy, in a tunnel mode that allows for proxy chaining, or with other tools. It also has a plugin architecture for extending its feature set.
A so called "attack proxy", Snark allows a user to monitor and edit HTTP requests and responses. Snark can be configured to act as a web proxy, or in a tunnel mode which allows for proxy chaining, or use with other tools.
Snark, is a derivative word from snarky, "Irritable or short-tempered; irascible" from Dutch and Low German snorken, of imitative origin.
Keywords:  sarcasm, reference
Sarcasm. Reference
Keywords:  watchdog, pet, animal
an animal or pet that can be used as a watchdog
Snark is an early 1970s text-based computer game for BASIC designed by People's Computer Company in which one must "net" the "snark," a point on a 10x10 Cartesian coordinate system. The game asks for the x and y coordinates and radius of your "net", a circle that would be plotted on the grid (if the grid were to appear in the game!). The computer tells you if the snark is in, on (along the circumference), or outside of the "net," and the object is to capture the snark by finding its exact coordinates with a net of 0 radius.
a bridgeless cubic graph with edge chromatic number of four
Keywords:  monster, half, life
a monster from Half-Life