A seismic wave that travels along Earth's surface. Contrast with P waves and S waves, which travel through Earth and at higher velocities.
Waves traveling along the earth's surface. Along with S waves, these produce the strongest vibrations and are the source of the most damage.
In physics, a surface wave is a wave that is guided along the interface between two different media for a mechanical wave, or by a refractive index gradient for an electromagnetic wave. An example is the waves at the surface of water, ocean surface waves.
a seismic seismic wave that is trapped near the surface of the earth, the opposite of a ("body wave"), which moves through the interior of the earth
a wave in which particles of the medium undergo a circular motion
a wave that travels along the boundary between two different media
A type of seismic wave that travels along Earth's surface.
Wave on the surface of a medium with characteristics of both longitudinal and transverse waves.
waves that move close to or on the outside surface of the Earth.
Seismic wave that travels along the earth's surface. Love and Rayleigh waves are the most common.
a vibration from an earthquake that travels at ground level
waves of energy, released during an earthquake, that reach Earth's surface and travel outward from the epicenter in all directions
A wave that travels along, or near to, the surface; its motion dropping off rapidly with distance from it. A distinct seismic mode from the body waves, P- and S.
A seismic wave which travels around the outer surface of the Earth, but which does not pass through the Earth.
Radio waves that travel along the contours of the earth, thereby being highly attenuated.
1. A gravity wave formed on the free surface of a fluid. In classical hydrodynamics, to distinguish surface waves from tidal waves, the condition is imposed that vertical accelerations are not negligible. Dynamically, this wave is similar to that on an interface separating two fluids, becoming identical in the case of zero density in the upper fluid. 2. See ground wave. 3. A wave at the interface of a light and a much heavier fluid, in particular of the air–sea interface. See surface gravity wave.
In physics, a surface wave can refer to a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media, usually two fluids with different densities. A surface wave can also be an electromagnetic wave guided by a refractive index gradient. In radio transmission, a ground wave is a surface wave that propagates close to the surface of the Earth.