Definitions for "Bloom filter"
a clever data structure that lets you check if an element is a member of a set, while storing much less data than the entire set
a data structure and algorithm for quickly testing the membership of a key in a large set without having to store the entire set as a list
a data structure for representing a set of strings in order to support membership queries
Keywords:  rli, lrc, rls, hash, replica
an array of bits
a "ONE-WAY" hash, meaning that you cannot derive the type of data stored in a filter, you can only check for the existance of a piece of data
Compression scheme used by the Replica Location Service (RLS) that is intended to reduce the size of soft state updates between Local Replica Catalogs (LRCs) and Replica Location Index (RLI) servers. A Bloom filter is a bit map that summarizes the contents of a Local Replica Catalog (LRC). An LRC constructs the bit map by applying a series of hash functions to each logical name registered in the LRC and setting the corresponding bits.